Britton and Richard Drake of TN 1820

Subject: [DRAKE-L] Britton and Richard Drake of TN 1820
Date: Friday, 23 October 1998 1:11

I am searching for information on both the following:

Britton Drake  1820 Wilson Co TN

Britton 45+, 2M 26-45, 1M 18-26, 1M 16-18, 2M 10-16, 1F 26-45, 1F 16-26,
1F 10-16, 1F 10.

Believe this Britton was from North Carolina.  He is also on the Wilson
Co TN 1830 census.

Richard Drake  1820 Wilson Co TN

Richard 26-45, 1M 16-18, 2M  10, 1F 45+, 1F 26-45, 2F 10-16, 2F  10.

Also believe Richard was from NC, and related somehow to Britton.  He is
NOT on the 1830 Wilson Co TN Census.

Doug Jones