Date: Thursday, 17 September 1998 12:12
My ancestors are from Madison County, AR. Grandmother, Carrie Drake
Johnson, b 1896, d. 1974, GGrandfather, Alvin (or Calvin) Calloway Drake,
b. 1860, d. 1920.
GGrandmother, ( . I am still trying to find information on Alvins second wife, Nancy Jane Vaughn b. 1861 d. 1911 Little Rock, AK). Nancy Jane was born in MS, Alvin in AR, and Carrie in Madison County, AR. Carrie had 4 sisters,
Elizabeth, Cara, Lavonna, Katie and 2 brothers, Columbus and Hobert.
Carrie married Jonathan Pinkney Johnson in 1914 and moved to Orange County, CA.
I have only recently began my search so I don't have much. If anyone
knows about my ancestors, please reply.