Henry Drake of Milan, IN

Date: Thursday, 13 August 1998 3:50

Looking for ANY information on:

Henry Drake of Milan, IN
b. 1860
m.  Hattie Craven  1883
        b.  1866
        d.   1886
        daughter of Thomas Craven

Henry was the son of Lewis Drake
b.  1820  Prussia, Germany
d.  1902 - 1903 - Manchester, IN
emigrated 1834, Naturalized Dearborn County, IN  1944

m1.  Anna Gutaphl - 1844
b.  1820
d.  1861
Other Children:  William, Mary, Catheryn, Lewis, Matilda, Amelia

At the settlement of his fathers estate in 1903, he is listed as:
Married to Susan _______

This means between 1886 & 1902 he remarried.  I believe it would be
either in Dearborn County, IN or in Ripley County, IN.

Melody L. Drake