DRAKE and HAGERMAN, Dutchess and Rensselaer Co., NY

 Date: Thursday, 13 August 1998 6:09


I am hoping someone will have the keys to these questions!

These families went from Dutchess County, NY up to Rensselaer Co.,

1.  John Hegerman and wife Magdalena Drake had:
Gertrauth b. around 1760
Catharina b. around 1761   both were baptised 17 Jan 1779 at the CBL
Church (Center Brunswick Lutheran Church in Rensselaer Co., NY)  at
age 19 and 18

2.  14 Jan 1781 @ CBL church a Catharina Hagerman was sponsor for 
Catharina, daughter of Anna Kuntz
Anna Hagerman Kuntz and Catharina Hagerman were sisters and
daughters of John Hagerman and Magdalena Drake

3.  John Hagerman was from Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., NY.  John with
wife Maria or Polly Drake had 16 year old daughter Ariane bp. 27 Jun
1779 at the CBL church.

4.  possibility -  John m.1. Magdalena Drake
                                  m.2. Polly Drake

????  Can Maria, Magdalena, and Polly be the same person????  

5.  Finally, the line of descent at least how I understand it....

William Bogardus m. Wyntie Sybrandts  (true)
Annetje Bogardus m. Jacob Brouwer   (true)
 Magdalena Brouwer m. John Drake   (not true)
     .......John Drake married Martha Oldfield
William Drake (son of John Drake)  m.     _______? (Elizabeth Teylor??)
Taylor Drake (son of William)   m. __________?
Polly Drake (daughter of William and sister of Taylor?)  m. John Hagerman

If anyone can clear up these problems, or answer any of the questions,
please let me know! Thanks!
Beth Sumpter