Percy Charles Drake

Date: Saturday, 11 July 1998 4:43
Hi Roy.

This is what I know about my family, unfortunately it is not much:

Percy Charles Drake       -  Great grandfather,
                                           Probably born in England and
emmigrated to South Africa)
Horace Walter Drake     -   Grand father,
                                           Born in South Africa,
                                           Married Sophia Neeble
                                           2 children: Rodney Horace Drake
                                                            Glenda Drake
Rodney Horace Drake    -   My father
                                           Born in Pretoria, South Africa
29 may 1942
                                           Married Glenda Margaret Callard
                                            4 children - Lance Deon Drake
                                                              Shannon Drake
                                                              Samantha Drake

                                                              Linda Anne Drake
Lance Deon Drake           - Me
                                           Born in Pretoria, South Africa,
28 sept 1966
                                           Married Susanna Catherina Roux

There are quite a few Drake living in South Africa,
As far as I know I am closely related to those living in Pretoria, but there
are obviously not very close ties.
The genealogy thing is new to me, the above is what I have been able 
to find out so far, if there is more info you keep in your database regarding 
each person, let me know and i will try and find out. Please also let me 
know if you have any ideas on how to track down more info.

have a good day

Lance Drake