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2002_group Drake List members

If you are a Drake List member and would like your photo added to the website, please send me an email with your details and a photo ( as an email attachment ) preferrably in the JPG format to
Roy Andrews - drake@xroyvision.com.au

barb_marshall Bea McManis bill_oliver Bonnie  Chaffin
Barb Marshall and Isaac Drake Bea McManis Bill and Barbara Oliver, nee Drake Bonnie Chaffin
Carole Drake colleen_sims Felicia  Hazelton paul_drake
Carole Drake Colleen Sims and husband Jesse. Felicia Hazelton
Drake lineage
Paul Drake with Brittany Drake, granddaughter.
Roy Andrews jack drake charles_drake thomas_fiske Catherine Drake Kent Walker donna bennett
Roy Andrews
Drake lineage
Jack Drake Charles E. Drake Thomas S. Fiske Catherine Drake Kent Walker Donna J Bennett
Bill and Billie Drake Candee Lebrun martha matthews carol
Bill and Billie Drake Candee Lebrun and son Shawn Martha Matthews From left are Marvin and Margaret Norville (my parents), Jere Norville (my brother) and I (Carol Norville Berning).
aneice Jeff and Anna Drake Donald Drake penny auffert
Left to right - David, Aneice, Brock and Mikaela Rodriguez. Jeff and Anna Drake Don Drake of Moyock, NC Larry and Penny Auffert
phyllis jacobs constance_weaver beth_williamson Diane Drake Lux Donald R. Schoenfeld
Phyllis Drake Jacobs Constance Weaver
Beth Drake Williamson & husband Stuart Williamson Diane Drake Lux and husband Vincent Lux Donald R. Schoenfeld
elizabeth drake wilson harold trudy
Elizabeth Drake Wilson and her husband, Jim. Harold McDonald, his wife Martha, and their pretty little Angela. Trudy and Rod Bray
Russ Drake Lisa Graham Larry Drake randy_clapp
Russ and Hilary Drake Lisa Graham Larry Drake Randy Clapp and great grand daughter, Alexis.
paul_r_drake monica alfred Troy Drake
Paul R. Drake II of the Isle of Wight Drake line with (l.- r.) Bethany Drake, Martha Alexander Drake, Diane Drake, and Brittany Drake. Monica Yvette Little Crayton Alfred and Alicia Perot Drake Troy Drake
Alan Drake Chris Lufkin Herb and Vicki Drake
Alan Drake Chris Lufkin Herb and Vicki Drake Tammy Setterquist
Drake lineage
Jean Smith Brenda Hurlburt Marie Yeager
Jean Smith
Drake lineage
Brenda Hurlburt with husband Russ and Smokey Brenda's 4th great grandfather was John Drake who married Rahamah Ayres. Marie A. "Drake" Yeager, and Alisha M Yeager. Pasco County, Florida
Marlene and Herrick M.  Drake
Marlene and Herrick M. (Marv) Drake