Will of Hellen Drake of Wiscombe in the co of Devon
From: lionhouse
Date: Tuesday, 25 June 2002 3:03 AM

  The 17th May 1676 I Hellen Drake of Wiscombe in the co of Devon widow.
Also I give and bequeath to the poor of the parish of Southleigh forty
shillings    I give and bequeath to my son Denis Drake and to his heires my
lands with appurtenances in Affington within the parish of Otery St Mary
which I purchased of Mrs ? Kerridg  Also I give unto my son William Drake
forty shillings and all my household goods in Hampshire now in his
possession.  Also I give to my son Alexander Drake three hundred pounds
Also I give unto my son Denis Drake fower hundred and fyfty pounds  Also I
give unto my daughter Phillipp Norris ? Morris her two children to each of
them one hundred and fyfty pounds a yeare   Also I give unto my daughter
Dorothy Rose one hundred pounds and to her two children each of them fyfty
pounds a yeere Also I give to my daughter Susanna Raymond three hundred
pounds my will is that if my daughter Norris and daughter Rose  dye leaving
their children before their legacies become due then their legacies shall
remayne to their children.   Also I give unto my daughter Avery if lyving at
my decease tenn pounds  Also I give unto Bartholomew Wheaton my servant if
living at my decease tenn pounds  Also I give unto all my covenant servants
lyving with me at my decease twenty shillings a piece   Also I give unto all
my grandchildren that shall be lyving at the time of my decease forty
shillings a yeere to buy them a ring.  Also I give unto my daughter Norris
daughter Rose and daughter Raymond and my daughter Norrises daughter
Phillipp all my silver plate rings jewells and wearing apparell    the rest
to my sons Alexander Drake and Denis Drake and my daughters Phillipp Norris
Dorothy Rose and Susanna Raymond equally to be divided....I doe name my sons
Alexander and Denis  to be joynt executors and I doe give each of them fyfty
pounds a peece over and above all what I have before given them     Signed
Hellen Drake witnessed Sam Clode the Mark of Anne Cloer   Proved London  26
April 1678 by Alexander and Denis Drake sons
