Will of Katherine Drake of Churchtaunton on the co of Devon
From: lionhouse
Date: Tuesday, 25 June 2002 3:03 AM

  In the name of God Amen  .  the 17th March  1694, I Katherine Drake of
Churchtaunton on the co of Devon widow........whereas Dennis Drake gent my
late deceased husband dyed intestate having in his lifetime very often
declared his intencon and desire that the revercon of the Barton or ffarme
Wiscombe in the parish of Southleigh should be purchased if reasonably it
might for the benefit of my sonne Thomas for the preservacon of my said
husbands family in the enjoyment of the said estate  I doe hereby likewise
declare the same to be my hearty desire and doe earnestly recommend the
doeing thereof to Alexander Drake gent my said husbands brother, and for the
better effecting  thereof I doe hereby give and devise that third part of my
said husbands testamentary estate which belongs unto me as my said husbands
widow and relict unto my said brother in law  Alexander Drake in trust  for
my said son Thomas    and if he dye unmarried and without issue the said
farme to be in trust for my sonne William   I do appoint my said son Thomas
my executor and I doe alsoe earnestly recommend the care and tuition of my
children and the management of all their affaires to the only conduct of my
said brother in lawe Alexander Drake and nominate him the executor in trust
in the presence of us Cha Baker Jo Pitfield  Bridgett Bond    Proved  London
26th April 1695
