Will of Thomas Drake of Wiscombe Esq
From: lionhouse
Date: Friday, 31 May 2002 2:32 AM

        PROB 11 /305 PRO
    Will of Thomas Drake of Wiscombe Esq   Item I give unto my faithful and
loving wife one moyety of Wiscombe parte as it is devised unto her by Grant
during her life the other moyety during her widdowhood for the better
education of my children .  And if she should happen to marry the said
moyety to my sonn William Drake to whom I have likewise on his marriage
assigned him the farm and manor of Rawridg by Frinds in trust to his use
during his natural life and after his decease to his wife, and in case hee
shall have no issue then by the said grant it is intrusted to Mr Whitehead
and Master Goddard for the use of my son Alexander Drake and my sonn Dennis
, my sonne Alexander dying before his brother and sister in law I desire may
have power in case my sonn William have noe issue   to his wife....Item I
give unto my sonn Alexander all those my lands called Highley lately
descended unto me by the death of my brother Acton Drake  lying in the
parish of wittney in the co of Oxford  and now in the possession of Mr
Croker...And whereas Sir John Rolle  knight of Bicton hath granted the
common Gaol of Exeter and the keeping thereof..my will is that my sonn
Dennis Drake receive the profitts and others thereof paying Sir John Role 40
shillings a year rent... And whereas the Lord Paulett and his Honorable
father have granted mee the Advowson and now presentation to the church and
Rectory of Upplowman in the co of Devon , I give the said advowson and
presentation to my said sonn Dennis Drake and if it shall please God to
enable and fitt him for the worke of the ministry....of his grandfather
Walker...  Igive unto my daughter Philipa Drake  £600 to be payd her at the
day of marriage besides the £300 given her by her grandfather and in the
hands of my brother Prowse       I give unto my daughter Dorothy Drake £300
to be added to the £200 in my hands and the moneys due to her from my
brother Aubrery  by Bond to be pay her at marriage......I give unto my
daughter Susan Drake £300...Alexander Walker esq...I give unto my wife one
of my best horses ....I give unto my dear wife my watch and one of my
cabinetts which she shall best like ..the other cabinett I give unto my
daughter Woods together with my gold seale ..Item I give to my sisters Mrs
Amye Drake and Mrs Jone Collyns  £5 a peece to be bestowed by them as they
think best desiring them not to measure my love by the smallnesse of the
gift .  Item I give to my daughter in law wife to my sonn William , my
second best horse or mare   to my dear and good frends and kinsmen Sir John
Drake knight and baronnett, Peter Prideaux Esq Walter Young Esq   James
Prowse the younger esq and Alexander Drake my sonn to be my executors in
trust.......I give to the poor of the parish of Sed bury 40 shillings and
the poor of Southley 40 shillings, and I make my son William Drake my sole
executor.    13th May 1661.  signed Thomas Drake , witness Jone Collins
AmyDrake.  Proved London 24th Sept  1661 by William Drake
