From: lionhouse Date: Friday, 31 May 2002 2:32 AM PROB 8/52 97035 PRO Administration April 1658 Alice DRAKE the 26th day. Alice Drake late of Ide widow by the oath of Augustin Drake ye sonne and sole executor to whome administration was committed. PROB 11 250 PRO Will of Philipa DRAKE 16th July 1647 , Philipa Drake of Wescombe widow, late wife of William Drake esquire deceased.. to be buried in the chancel of Southley with my deceased husband the poore of Southley five shillings .. Item I give unto my deare and well beloved sonne Thomas Drake my diamond ringe which my brother Sir Thomas Denys knight deceased by his last will and testament gave unto me which ringe I desire my said sonne to weare and to use the same in token of my love toward him wishing it were better and that I were better able to advance him or his estate. I give to my sonnes Acton Drake and William Drake and to my daughter Johane now wife of Robert Collyns gent and to each of them a ringe of Gould with deatheshead each of the value of xxvi s and viii d in token and remembrance of my love towards them. Item I give unto my grandchild and godsonne William Drake a silver cup or bowle of the value of £5 to be within thirtie days of my death bought by my executrix for him and my armes and name to bee ingraven thereon and soe to be delivered him by my said executrix which I desire may remaine unto him and to his use And all the rest and residue of my estate Jewells goodes and chattles I wholie give and bequeath to my beloved daughter Amye Drake whom I make and ordaine to be my whole and sole executrix...But my intent and meaning herein is that shee shall intermeddle with or take away any the ornaments of the house or household stuffe in the house nor of the ploughestuffe nor any other neccessaries of dead goods without hooves but shall leave the same to my said sonne Thomas Drake .......The marke of the testatrix . witness Edm Blode Henry Starr.............. Will proved at London 5th October 1655 by the oath of Amye Drake dau and exec. |