Augustine Drake the elder of the city of Exeter
- 21 day of July 17th year of Chas
From: lionhouse
Date: Tuesday, 9 April 2002 1:57 AM

    In the name of God Amen, the 21 day of July  17th year of Chas , I
AUGUSTINE DRAKE, the elder of the city of Exeter , fuller,     Item I give
to the poor of the city and countie of Exeter  £22   The poor of St Sidwells
£5   The poor of St Mary Steps  40 shillings, ...  Item I give and bequeath
ot Augustine Drake my grandchild £100  and a great upright beere bowle
guilded give him by his grandmother Agnes Drake  And after the death of
Augustine Drake my son  I give and devise unto the said Augustine my
grandchild, his heires males for ever all the lands and houses which I have
in fee simple except my house without Westgate .  Item I give and bequeath
ot Elizabeth Drake my wife £100 besides the £300 my son Augustine Drake is
bound to pay unto my said wife within short time after my death.  I give my
wife  my house in Billaton lane for term of her life,  ...I give my said
wife my house in Parke lane wherein Robert Hore now dwelleth,   I give unto
my wife the  bedsteede and bed......( all household items )   Item I give
and bequeath to William Drake my grandchild £100 until he come of age of 21
years, and after the death of my son Augustine , the aforesaid William Drake
to have my house in Westgate which I bought of Mr Westwood.   I give and
bequeath to Agnes Drake my grandchild £100  when she reach the full age of
21 John Drake my grandchild £100 when he reach full age of 21
years  .and after the death of my son Augustine, to the said John Drake my
grandchild the house wherein Thomas Maunder now liveth in the parish of St
Mary Steps  Item I give and bequeath to Francis Drake my grandchild £100
when he reaches the full age of 21.  .    Item I  give to Brigett Drake
daughter of the said John Drake my brother deceased, £45 ,   Item I give and
bequeath to my brother Francis Drake £5 ,    Unto my sister Elizabeth £5 , .
(Bequests to servants and to the Incorporation of Weavers Fullers and
Sheeremen £50   to be invested by the master, wardens etc of the said
Incorporation , "and I do alsoe request my executors to cause a Table to be
made and to insert this branch of my will to remayne in the Hall of the said
Incorporation for ever  And after to make a breakfast of 20 shillings for
the Master Wardens and Assistants " ).... the remainder of my goods and
chattels to my son Augustine Drake whom I make my sole executor.  signed and
sealed the day above 1641, witness Thomas Ford, senior, Richard Ledgingham
Nicholas Traske, Robert Wheaton.
        Proved  in London 31 July 1641   by Augustine Drake son.

    OK what can I say, all good wills and all related to your Thomas but
none  mentioning him.   If at first you don`t succeed, try the next 5 Drake
and Seward wills !!!!!!!!!