Augustine Drake of Ide in the co of Devon -
6th November 1644
From: lionhouse
Date: Tuesday, 9 April 2002 1:57 AM

    In the name of God Amen, I AUGUSTINE DRAKE of Ide in the co of Devon,
Merchant,  ,make my last will and testament, the manner and form following,
imprimis, I commend my soule,  and my body to be decently buried where my
executor shall befitt.    Item I give unto my sonne Augustine Drake, all my
houses and grounds which I have in Wynne howe And thereunto to be put into a
common Banke until he shall accomplish the age of 21 , the lands that his
grandfather gave him to have it presently  after my decease,  Item I give
unto William Drake my sonne All my groundes at Welestowe  And thereunto put
into a comon banke until he shall accomplish the age of 21 And for the house
his grandfather gave him within ye Westgate presently .after my decease.
Item I give unto John and Francis Drake my sonnes...... as I do but my wife
to have and enjoy the same as long as she keepe a widdowe manitayning my
children And I doe intreate my friends whom I shall in trust with this my
last will and testament to renewe the said living unto my foresaid Sonnes
out of the money in the bank.  Item my will is that John Drake my sonne
shall have the house his grandfather gave him presently after my decease.
Item I give to Robert Drake my sonne all my estate in Cotlie woods and to be
maintained by the monies in the Banke until  he shall  reach the age of 21
Item I give unto my sonne Richard Drake my house in Exeter wherein John Pyne
now liveth and my house at Westgate wherein Henry Hore now liveth.. until he
shall accomplish the age of 21.   Item I give unto Agnes Drake my daughter
£600... Item I give to the pore of the cittie of Exeter £10  To the pore of
the parish of Ide £9  to the pore of the parish of hevitree 40 shillings  To
the pore of the parish of St Thomas the Apostle 30 shillings  I give Anne
Blacke of Exeter 10 shillings, I give unto Joan Bevill of Exeter 10
shillings,  George Smith my apprentice 20 shillings,  and unto each of my
menn and maid servants 5 shillings.   I give unto my wife all my horses and
cowes and sheepe and four of my best oxon and the rest of my cattle to be
sold by my executors .  Item I give unto my wife half my household stuffe
and the other half to be distributed amongst my children by equal portions
Item I make my wife my executrix  And do (presaine) John Butler of Exeter
merchant, Richard Ducke of Ide and John Isaack  ... and 30 shillings to make
each of them a ringe.  And I testify that this is my last will and testament
...set my hand this 6 th November 1644 .    Augustine Drake, Richard Ducke,
John Helman the signe of Margarett Ducke
        Proved in London 1646 8th Dec

        OK not a lot of use, just interesting, and he must have had a great
deal of money and lands, and I now want to know who his children`s
grandfather was.