From: lionhouse Date: Tuesday, 9 April 2002 1:57 AM In the name of God Amen . I ACTON DRAKE of Short Hamton Lodge in the county of Oxon, make this my last will and testament, written with my owne hand and testifyed by two witnesses ..made this 16th Dec 1647 in the 223 of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God King of England and defender of the faith. First my humble desires are to the honourable Sir John Davers and his heires , that according to the intention and direction of the Will of my dear master the Earle of Danby, his brother deceased, my good wife may quietly enjoy during her naturall life the two mannors of great and little Langley, which is given her for her joynture Secondly I give unto my said wife my house and lyvinge in Hallby nowe in the possession of William Croke gentleman and Maude his wife ...........otherwise my desires are and doe give it unto the third sonne of my brother Thomas Drake of Wiscombe in the co of Devon, . Thirdly I give unto my carefull good wife all my howshold wife who I now make sole executrix...give unto my sister Amey Drake, £40. as a token of my love to her, and a Ringe of £10. To my sister Collens and a ring of £5, to my sister Mistress Elizabeth Wright ... My ould friend Thomas Rowe shall have his choice of one of my horses and one sworde , and his wife Jone such remembrance as you shall think fit...that I be buried in the north aisle of Dauntsey church in Wilts...according to the beleef of our English Church wherein I was both borne and ....whereunto I willinglie with all due reverence submit myself.. Witnesses Martin Wright and Henry Coxes. Proved in London 15th May 1651 by Jane Drake relict and executrix. OK so near and yet so far. . Same Thomas of Wiscombe mentioned as in the will of John Drake of Yardbury. |