From: lionhouse Date: Tuesday, 9 April 2002 1:57 AM In the name of God Amen, the 27th March 1648 , I JOHN DRAKE of Yardbury in the county of Devon , gent, considering my mortality being sumoned and warned of God by my present sickness and weakness as to set things in order , do therby Gods gracious direction and assistance order all my estate and make my last will and testament etc First as my Christs care is for the salvation of my soule upon the happines whereof the glory of my body doth depend, I comend my soule unto the hands of Jesus Christ my only redeemer and body I commit to the earth to be buried at the direction of my executors....First I give and bequeath to the pore of the Parish of Cullington £5 ..I give and bequeath to my neece Anne Seward the daughter of John Seward of Downlands £10 ; Item my will and earnest desire is that the will of my deceased father William Drake may bee fully and punctually in every particular performed and fulfilled land in called Yardbury and my land called by the name of Coles Mills and those parcells of lands part of the manor of Coleddor also a tenement called Battleford etc, and all the rents and profits , and also all my goods and chattels whatsoever be taken into the hands and possessions of my well beloved cousins and brother John Drake of Ash and Thomas Drake of Wiscombe Esquires, John Seward of Downlands, and William Taylorof Naxway gent , whom I appoint as my executors in trust for the full performance and execution of this my father`s will deceased , until such time as my loving brother William Drake do accomplish the age of twenty and four years ...and now upon great good hope and brotherly affection that I have and trust to find in my brother William Drake towards myne and his bretheren and sisters. I do make and name him my brother William my sole and only executor. Signed and sealed in the presence of Abrah Forrester, Robt Jones , Abrah Forrester junr Proved in London Ist Dec 1649 by John Drake and Thomas Drake trustees . OK this is clearly John the eldest son of William of Yardbury, and your Thomas`s brother. My neice Anne Seward proves that. I think by cousins John Drake of Ash and Thomas Drake of Wiscombe, that is what he means, and brother means brother in law, that is John Seward of Downlands, the husband of Eleanor/Jane Drake his sister. What say you. ? |