Drakes in the Civil War Book-
Tennesseans in the Civil War:

Date: Saturday, 17 January 1998 9:15

This was posted a year ago, but there are a lot of new people on the
list now, so I thought I would post it again.   Lynn

Hope this helps someone.

Drakes in the Civil War 
BOOK - Tennesseans in the Civil War:

A. Drake, Pvt H Co. Nixon's Cav
Andrew Drake,  J. 6th Inf.
B. A. Drake, Pvt. F Co. 31st Inf.
C. C. Drake, Pvt. C Co. 17thCav. Bn.
C. D. Drake, Pvt. G Co. 17th Inf.
D. A. Drake, 59th Inf.
David Drake, Pvt. 41st Inf.
D. D. Drake, Sgt. D Co. 20th Cav.
Douglas M. Drake, Pvt. G Co. 1st (Turney's) Inf.
Edwin L. Drake,  1st Lt. K Co. 2nd (Robison's) Inf.
Edwin R. Drake, Cpl. Weller's L-Arty. Co.
Elijah Drake, Pvt. H Co. 11th Cav.
E. L. Drake, Lt. Col. F&S 4th Con. Inf.
F. M. Drake, Pvt. D Co. 18th Inf.
Frank M. Drake, Pvt. A Co. 49th Inf.
Frank M. Drake, Pvt. G Co. Bailey's Con. Inf.
George S. Drake, Pvt.B Co. 30th Inf.
G. W. Drake, Pvt. E Co. 4th (McLemore's) Cav.
G. W. Drake, Pvt. I Co. 16th Inf.
G.W. Drake, 19th Inf.
H. T. Drake, Pvt. C Co. 11th Cav.
I. R. Drake, Pvt. G Co. 9th Cav.
James Drake, Sgt. E Co. 4th (McLemore's) Cav.
James Drake, Pvt. B Co. 1st (Turney's) Inf.
James Drake, Pvt. A Co. 29th Inf.
James Drake, Pvt. Witcher's Co. Sul. C. Res.
James A. Drake, Pvt. McClung's L-Arty. Co.
James H. Drake, Pvt. 1st Btry.
James H. Drake, Sgt. Maj. McClung's L-Arty.
James R. Drake, 1st. Lt. G Co. 2nd (Robison's) Inf.
J. B. Drake, Sgt. E Co. 8th Inf.
J. D. Drake, Pvt. C Co. 11th Inf.
J. G. Drake, Pvt. K Co. 6th Inf.
J. L. Drake, Pvt. L Co. 6th Inf.
J. L. Drake, Pvt. Ford's Co. 55th (Brown's) Inf.
John Drake, Pvt. H Co. 43rd Inf.
John A. Drake, Pvt. K Co. 7th Inf.
John B. Drake, Pvt. A Co. 3rd. Cav.
John B. Drake, Pvt. A Co. 11th Cav. Bn.
John B. Drake, Pvt. 1st B Co. 154th Sr. Inf.
John G. Drake, 2nd Lt. D Co. 14th Cav.
John G. Drake, Pvt. Palmer's L-Arty. Co.
John M. Drake, Pvt. B Co. 18th Inf.
John P. Drake, Cpl. K Co. 2nd. (Robison's) Inf.
John T. Drake, Pvt F Co. 2nd. (Robison's) Inf.
John W. Drake, Cpl. B Co. 35th Inf.
J. P. Drake, Pvt. D Co. 14th Cav.
J. P. Drake, Pvt. K Co. 6th Inf.
J. R. Drake, Pvt H Co. 7th Cav.
J. R. Drake, Pvt H Co. 17th Inf.
J. W. Drake, Pvt Woodward's Cav. Co.
Lavosier R.Drake, Pvt. G Co. 20th Inf.
Martin V. Drake, Pvt. K Co. 7th Inf.
P. Drake, Pvt. A Co. 13th Cav.
R. A. Drake, Pvt. G Co. 3rd. Cav.
R. B. Drake, Pvt. D Co. 14th Cav.
R. B. Drake, Pvt. D Co. (Nixon's) Cav.
Ruben Miller Drake, 8th Inf.
R. M. Drake, 2nd. Lt. Bruster's Co. Douglass' Cav. Bn.
R. M. Drake, Pvt. E Co. 3rd. Inf. Bn.
Samuel Drake, Pvt. C Co. 63rd Inf.
S. H. Drake, 2nd. Lt. D Co. 12th Con Inf.
S. H. Drake, Sgt H Co. 22nd Inf.
S. P. Drake, Pvt, A Co. 15th. Inf.
T. H. Drake, 2nd Lt. I Co. 12th Con. Inf.
Thomas H. Drake, 3rd Lt. I Co. 12th Inf. 
Thomas J. Drake, Pvt. A Co. 18th. Inf.
T. J. Drake, Pvt. F Co. 3rd. Cav.
T. J. Drake, Cons. Cp. Instr.
U. Y. Drake, Pvt. E Co. 22 Inf. Bn.
 W. Drake, Pvt. I Co. 12th Cav.
William Drake, Pvt. B Co. 22nd (Barteau's) Cav.
William Drake, Pvt. K Co. 7th. Inf.
William Drake, Pvt. D Co. 62nd MI
William B. Drake, Pvt. E Co. Newsom's Cav.
William F. Drake, Pvt. B Co. 23rd Inf.
Willis Drake, Pvt. G Co. 37th Inf.
Willis Drake, Pvt. D Co. 62nd MI
W. L. Drake, 1st Lt. I Co. 14th Cav.
W. P. Drake, Pvt B Co. 18th Inf.
W. W. Drake, Pvt. E Co. 4th. (McLemore's) Cav.
Zachariah M. Drake, Sgt. G Co. 11th Cav.

Drakes from TN on the Union side:

Andrew J. Drake, Cpl. I Co. 1st Cav
Henry Drake, Pvt. I Co. 5th MI
James W. Drake,  Pvt. D Co. 5th. Inf.
Joseph G. Drake, Pvt. B Co. 1st Vid. Cav.
Poale Drake, Pvt. A Co. 4th Cav.
Thomas J. Drake, Pvt. B Co. 1st Inf.
William G. Drake, 2nd. Lt. I Co. 1st Cav.