Roster in the Confederate Armies
Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 6:19 AM
First name, initial, state, unit, rank if applicable.
____, AL 22 Inf. Co. G.
____, MS 14th (Cons.) Inf. Co. K.
A., GA Inf. Fuller's Co.
A., LA 6th Cav. Co. I.
A., TN Cav. Nixon's Regt. Co. H.
A., VA Arty, C. F., Johnston's Co.
A.A., SC 8th Inf. Co.K, Cpl.
Aaron, TX Cav. Waller's Regt. Co. D.
A.B., AR, 21st Inf. Co. F.
A.B., AR 38th Inf. Co. B.
Abraham, AR, 14th (McCarver's) Inf. Co. G
A.F., MS Lt Arty, (Jefferson Arty.) Darden's Co., Cpl.
A.J., MS Inf. 3rd Bn (St. Troops) Co. A., 1st Sgt.
Albert G., MS 11th Inf. Co. K, 2nd Lt.
Alex, VA, 2nd Bn. Loc. Def. Co. G.
Alexander, VA, 2nd Inf. Loc. Def. Co. I.
Alpheus B., AL 20th Inf. Co. I.
A.M., MS, Lt. Arty. (Jefferson Arty.) Darden's Co.
Andrew, VA, 41st Inf. Co. A.
Augustus, GA Cobb's Legion Co. F.
B.A., TN 31st Inf. Co. F, Cpl.
Barbour C., VA Inf. 9th Bn. Co. A.
B.B., TX Cav. Giddings' Bn. Carrington's Co.
B.C., VA 25th Inf. 2nd Co. A.
Benjamin F., NC 12th Inf. Co. H., Sgt.
Benjamin F., NC 32nd Inf. Co. H., Sgt.
Benjamin F., NC 47th Inf. Co. D., 2nd Lt.
Benjamin S., KY 2nd (Duke's) Cav. Co. A., 1st Lt.
B.F., TX 2nd Inf. Co. G.
B.J., AR 11th Inf. Co. E.
B.J., AR 11th & 17th Cons. Inf. Co. E., Sgt.
B.T., GA 18th Inf Co. K.
Burril, TX, 27th Cav. Co. L.
C.C., GA Inf 1st Loc. Troops (Augusta) Co. K.
C. C., MS Cav. Abbott's Co.
D.C., SC 5th Cav. 17th Bn. Co. A.
C.C., TN Cav. 17th Bn. (Sanders') Co. C.
C.D., TN 17th Inf. Co. G.
C.F., GA 22nd Inf. Co. G.
Charles, KY 6th Cav. Guerrilla.
Charles, MO 8th Cav. Co. C.
Charles E., AL 12th Inf. Co. E.
Charles H.C., MS 34th Inf. Co. F., Cpl.
Conrad, VA Hvy. Arty, 18th Bn. Co. A.
David H., VA 1st Cav.Co. E., Music.
David W., VA 5th Inf. Co. L.
Davis, TN 41st Inf.
D.C., GA 8th Cav. Co. K.
D.C., GA 62nd Cav. Co. K.
D.D., TN 20th (Russell's) Cav. Co. D., Sgt.
Dennis S., AL 5th Cav. Co. B.
D.L., TX 13th Vol. Co. G.
Douglas M., TN 1st (Turney's) Inf. Co. G.
D.P., NC 1st Jr. Res. Co. H., Cpl.
D.S., AL 4th Cav. Co. B.
Edward, VA 5th Cav. Co. I.
Edward, VA Mtd. Riflemen Balfour's Co.
Edwin, VA Hvy. Arty. 18thy Bn. Co. A.
Edwin L., TN 2nd (Robinson's) Inf. Co. K. 1st Lt.
Edwin R., TN Lt Arty. Weller's Co., Cpl.
E.F., AL 48th Inf. Co. A.
E.H., AL 55th Vol. Co. B.
E.H., SC Cav. 19th Bn. Co. E.
E.J., MS 28th Cav. Co. I.
E.L., TN Inf. 4th Cons. Regt. LtCol.
Elbert W., VA 16th Inf. Co. D.
Elias A., NC 25th Inf. Co. A.
Enoch H., SC 20th Inf. Co. E.
Ephram H., AL 27th Inf. Co. B., Sgt.
E.S., MS Lt.Arty. (Jefferson Arty.) Darden's Co., Sgt.
Ethington, FL, Cav. 3rd Bn. Co. A.
Eugene M., GA 28th Inf. Co. E.
E.W., TX 4th Cav. Co. F.
F., NC 29th Inf. Co. D.
F.H., LA Mil. Fire Bn. Co. E.
F.J., Gen & Staff AA Surg.
F.M., GA 32nd Inf. Co. G.
F. M., TN, 18th Inf. Co. D.
TX, 17th Cons. Dismtd. Cav., Co. B.
F. M., TX, 11thth (Spaight's) Bn. Vol. Co. D.
F.R., GA, Lt.Arty., 12th Bn. Co. E.
Francis, AL, 36th Inf. Co. A.
Francis, NC, 31st Inf. Co. I.
Francis C., TX, 2nd Inf. Co. H.
Francis E., VA, 41st. Inf. Co. C.
Francis M., NC, 35th Inf. Co. D.
Frank, TX, Cav. Waller's Reg. Co. D.
Frank M., NC, 35th Inf., Co. A.
Frank M., Inf., Bailey's Cons. Regt., Co. G.
Freeman, LA, 12th Inf. Co. K.
G.D., TX, Cav. Wells' Regt., Co. B.
George, KY, 48th Inf., Co. E.
George, NC, 48th Inf. Co. E.
George, TX, 18th Cav. Witt's Co.
George, VA, 51st Mil. Co. B.
George D., TX Cav. Wells' Bn. Co. B., Cpl.
George M., MO 1st Inf. Co. G.
George M., MO, 1st & 4th Cons. Inf. Co. G., Cpl.
George S., TN, 30th Co. B.
George W., GA 42nd Inf. Co. I.
George W., KY, 9th Mtd. Inf. Co. D.
George W., TX, 15th Cav. Co. H. Sgt.
George W., VA, 1st Lt. Arty. Co. C.
George W., VA, 47th Inf. Co. D.
George W. VA, 48th Inf. Music.
Gersham T., VA, 1st Cav. Co. A.
Gilbert, GA, 1st Inf. (St. Guards) Co. E.
Gilman J., GA 5th Inf. Co. B.
G.J., Ga, 6th Inf . (St. Guards) Co. I.
G.M., AL, 3rd Inf. Co. L.
Green, NC, 4th Sr. Res. Co. A.
G.S., NC, 5th Inf. Co. E.
G.T., VA 1st Lt. Arty. Co. C.
G.W., TN, 4th (McLemore's) Cav. Co. E.
G.W., TN, 16th Inf., Co. C.
H., LA, Mil.Conf. Guards Regt., Co. C.
Hack, MS, 6th Cav. Co. B.
Harrison, AL, 55th Vol. Co. B.
Harvey W.E., AR 15th (NW) Inf. Co. B., Sgt.
H.D., NC Cav. 7th Bn. Co. D.
Henry, MS, 2nd (Davidson's) Inf. Co. A.
Henry, MS, 24th Inf. Co. F.
Henry, MO, 1st Inf., Co. K.
Henry, MO, 1st & 4th Cons.Inf. Co. K.
Henry, VA, 27th Mil., Co. E.
Henry, VA, 40th Inf. Co. C.
Henry J., NC, 5th Inf., Co. B.
Hesekiah, NC, 6th Cav. (65th St. Troops) Co. D.
H.J., LA, 13th Bn (Part.Rangers) Co. A.
H.J., NC, 57th Inf. Co. B.
Holden J., AR 3rd Inf. Co. A.
H.T., TN, 11th (Holman's) Cav. Co. C.
H.W.E., AL 20th Inf., Co. G.
I.R., TN, 9th Cav. Co. G.
Isaac, TX, Cav. Wells' Regt. Co. D.
Issac W., AL, 4th Cav. Co. K.
J., AL, Talladega Cty. Res. D.B. Brown's Co.
J. GA, 5th Res. Co. A.
J., GA, Inf. 9th Bn. Co. B.
J. GA,
32nd Inf. Co. E.
J. NC, 2nd Jr. Res.Co. E.
J.A., KY, 1st (Helm's) Cav., New Co. A.
Jabas, MS, 27th Inf. Co.E.
Jabez, MS, 19th Inf., Co. E.
Jabez L., MS, 33rd Inf. Co. F., Col.
Jabus, AL, 27th Inf. Co. G.
Jacob E., AL 3rd Cav. Co. D.
Jacob E., MS, 17th Inf. Co. I, Sgt.
Jacob R., GA, 7th Inf. Co. K.
James, AL, 4th (Russell's) Cav. Co. K.
James, AR, 19th (Dockery's) Inf. Co. I.
James, AR, 35th Inf. Co. E.
James, GA, 2nd Inf. Co. A.
James, GA, 8th Inf. Co. K.
James, GA, Inf. White's Co.
James, KY, 5th Cav. Co. I.
James, LA, Inf. 7th Bn. Co. A.
James, LA, Inf. Cons. Crescent Regt. Co. I.
James, Mo, 3rd Cav. Co. B.
James, TN, 4th (McLemore's) Cav. Co. E, Sgt.
James, TN, 1st (Turney's) Inf. Co. B.
James, TN, 29th Inf. Co. A.
James, TN, Sullivan Cty. Res. (Loc. Def. Troops) Witcher's Co.
James, VA, 26th Cav. Co. A., Sgt.
James, VA, 8th Inf. Co. K.
James, VA, Lt. Arty. Jackson's Bn, St. Line, Co., A.
James, No state listed, 1st Cherokee Mtd. Vol, 2nd Co. A.
James A., AR, 6th Inf. Co. G.
James A., AR, 12th Bn, S.S. Co. D.
James A., SC, 1st St. Troops Co. C., Sgt.
James A., SC, 4th Inf. Co. J.
James A., TN, Lt. Arty, McClung's Co.
James A., TX, 6th Inf. Co. A.
James E., VA, 13th Cav. Co. A.
James G., GA, 2nd Cav. Co. B.
James G., GA, 1st Reg. Co. C.
James H., GA, 1st Reg. Co. C.
James H., TN, Lt. Arty, McClung's Co. Sgt.Maj.
James H., VA, 1st Cav. Co. A., Maj.
James L., VA, Inf. Tomlin's Bn, Co. A.
James L., NC, 2nd Cav. (19th St. Troops) Co. G.
James M., AL, 4th Inf. Co. F.
James M., MO, 3rd Inf. Co. G., Cpl.
James M., VA, Inf. Mileham's Co.
James M.M., [sic] AL, Lt. Arty., Ward's Btty, Cpl.
James N., SC, 2nd Cav. Co. H.
James P., MS, Lt Arty, (Jefferson's Arty.) Darden's Co.
James Patrick, TX, 20th Cav. Co. G.
James R., AR, 38th Inf. Co.E, 1st Sgt.
James R., FL, 2nd Cav. Co. E.
James R., GA, Lt.Arty, Scogin's Btty, (Griffin Lt.Arty).
James R., TN, 2nd (Robison's) Inf, Co. G., 1st Lt.
James R., VA, Hvy.Arty, 18th Bn. Co. A.
James S., GA, Cobb's Legion Co. E.
S., NC, 25th Inf. Co. A.
James T., AL, 42nd Inf. Co. E. Sgt.
James W., AL, 4th Inf. Co. F.
James W., GA, 32nd Inf. Co. G.
James W., KY, 1st (Helm's) Cav. Co. B.
J.B., FL, 2nd Cav. Sgt.
J.B., LA 12th Bn. (Part.Rangers), Co. B.
J.B., LA, 3rd Inf. Co. H.
J.B., MS, 10th Cav. Co. B.
J.B., NC, 6th Cav. (65th St. Troops) Co. D.
J.B., TN, 8th Inf. Co. E., QMSgt.
J.B., [no state mentioned],Weems' Detach. Cp.Guard.
J.C., AL, 4th (Russell's) Cav, Co. F.
J.D., TN, 11th Inf. Co. C.
J.E., NC, 31st Inf., Co. G.
Jefferson, NC, 28th Inf. Co. K.
J.F., SC, 7th Cav. Co. B.
J.G., TN, 6th Inf., Co. K.
J.H., AL, 53rd (Part.Rangers) Co. A.
J.H., TX, 4th Inf. Co. C.
J.J., AL, 1st Cav. 1st Co. C.
J.J., AL, 5th Cav. Co. D.
J.J., GA, Siege Arty, Campbell's Ind. Co.
J.L., TN, 6th Inf. Co. L.
J.L., TN, 55th (Brown's) Inf., Ford's Co.
J.M., LA, C.S. Zouave Bn. Co. E.
J.M., TX, 33rd Cav., Co. C.
J.N., SC, 6th Cav., Co. G.
Joel T., VA, 56th Inf. Co. E.
John, AR, 34th Inf., Co. D.
John, GA, Cav. Roswell Bn., Co. B.
John, LA, Inf. 1st Sp. Bn. (Rightor's ) Co. E.
John, MO, 1st N.E., Cav. Co. B., Jr. 2nd. Lt.
John, NC, Cav. 7th Bn. Co. A.
John, NC, 6th Sr. Res., Co. G.
John, NC, 29th Inf., Co. D.
John, Jr., NC, 42nd Inf. Co. H.
John, TN, 43rd Inf. Co. H.
John, TX, 27th Cav. Co. L.
John, VA, 47th Inf. Co. C.
John, VA, 55th Inf., Co. E.
John A., NC, 12th Inf., Co. H. Capt.
John A., TN, 7th Inf., Co. K.
John B., AL, Lt. Arty, Tarrant's Btty.
John B., AR, 17th (Lemoyne's) Inf., Co. C.
John B., AR, 21st Inf., Co. C.
John B., MS, 20th Inf. Co. C.
John B., MS, 30th Inf., Co. K.
John B., NC, 6th Cav. (65th St..Troops) Co. D.
John B., NC, Cav. 7th Bn., Co. D.
John B., TN, 3rd (Forrest's ) Cav. Co. A.
John B., TN, Cav. 11th Bn., Co. D.
John B., TN, Inf. 154th Sr. Regt. 1st Co. B.
John C., GA, 32nd Inf., Co. G.
John C., KY, 2nd (Duke's) Cav. Co. E.
John C., KY, 4th Cav.
John C., NC, Lt.Arty, 3rd Bn. Co. C.
John C., VA, Horse Arty. E. Graham's Co.
John C., VA, 12 Inf., Co. E.
John C., Mead's Conf. Cav. Co. E., 2nd Lt.
John C., Walker's Staff, Adj., ADC.
John E., KY, 10th (Diamond's) Cav. Co. E., Cpl.
E., VA, 10th Cav. 1st Co. E.
John F., VA, Inf. 44th Bn. Co. C., Sgt.
John G., AL, Lt. Arty, 2nd Bn, Co. F.
John G., AL, Cp. Of Instr. Talladega Asst. Enrolling Off.
John G., TN, 14th (Neely's) Cav. Co. D., 2nd Lt.
John G., TN, Lt.Arty, Palmer's Co.
John H., AL, Auburn Home Guards, Vol. Darby's Co.
John H., NC, 6th Cav. (65th St.Troops) Co. D., Cpl.
John H., NC, Cav. 7th Bn, Co. D., Cpl.
John H., NC, 62nd Inf. Co. E.
John H., VA, Hvy.Arty, 18th Bn, Co. A, Cpl.
John H., VA, 3rd Inf. Co. D.
John J., NC, 12th Inf. Co. H, Capt.
John J., NC, 32nd Inf. Co. H, Capt.
John M., TN, 18th Inf. Co. B.
John O., NC, 12Inf. Co. C., Sgt.
John P., NC, 6th Inf. Co. H.
John P., TN, 2nd (Robinson's) Inf. Co. K, Cpl.
John R., NC, 12th Inf., Co. H.
John R., NC, 32nd Inf. Co. H.
John S., AR, 24th Inf. Co. I, Capt.
John S., GA, 1st (Ramsey's) Inf. Co. C.
John S., GA, 32nd Inf. Co. G.
John W., Sr., AL, Auburn Home Guards Vol. Darby's Co.
John W., MS, 1st (Patton's) Inf., Co. E, 1st Sgt.
John W., MS, 43rd Inf., Co. K.
John W., TN, 34th Inf., Co. B., Cpl.
Jordan, NC, 42nd Inf., Co. H.
Joseph, Inf. Fuller's Co., Cpl.
Joseph, MS, 4th Inf. Col.
Joseph, VA, Conscr. Cp. Lee, Co. A.
Joseph D., VA , 14th Inf. Co. D.
Joseph E., NC, 12th Inf. Co. C., Sgt.
Joseph J., VA, 2nd Arty, Co. K.
Joseph J., VA, Inf, 22nd, Co. A.
Josiah, GA, 37th Inf. Co. E.
J.P., GA, Lt. Arty, (Jackson Arty.) Massenburg's Btty.
J.P., TN, 14th (Neely's) Cav. Co. D.
J.P., TN, 6th Inf. Co. K.
J.P., TX, Cav Morgan's Regt. Co. F.
J.P., TX, 5th Inf, Co. I, Jr. 2nd Lt.
J.R., AR, 1st Vol. Kelsey's Co., Cpl.
J. R., GA, 40th Inf. Co. E.
J.R., TN, 7th (Duckworth's) Cav. Co. H.
J.R., TN, 17th Inf. Co. H.
J.S., LA, 31st Inf. Co. F.
Julius, TX, 11th (Spaight's) Bn Vol. Co. D.
J.V., TX, Cav. Waller's Regt., Dunn's Co.
J.W., TN, Cav. Woodward's Co.
J.W., 2nd Cherokee Mtd. Vol. Co. H.
L., NC, 54th Inf. Co. I.
Landy, AR, 19th (Dawson's) Inf. Co. H.
Lavosier R., TN, 20th Inf. Co. G.
Leland, AR, 1st Mtd. Rifles, Co. G.
Levi, NC, 43rd Inf. Co. E.
L.M., AL, Cav. Moreland's Regt. Co. A.
Lorenzo, NC, 16th Inf. Co. H, Sgt.
W., VA 9th Inf. Co. B.
L.W., TX, 35th (Brown's) Cav., Co. C, Sgt.
L.W., TX, 13th Vol. 1st Co. H.
M., TX, Cav. Giddings' Bn, Weisiger's Co.
Martin V., TN, 7th Inf. Co. K.
Mat E., TX, 30th Cav. Co. A, Sgt.
Mathew B., AR, 18th Inf. Co. B.
Mathew B., NC, 47th Inf. Co. D.
M.B., TX, Cav. 2nd Regt. St. Troops
Meltzer, TX, 24th Cav. Co. K.
M.H., NC, 35th Inf. Co. D.
Miles, SC, Mil. 1st Regt. (Charleston Res.) Co. H.
Murry A., MS, 1st Cav. Co. F.
Murry A., MS, 19th Inf. Co. A., Cpl.
Nathan A., NC, Cav. 7th Bn. Co. D, E.
Nathan A., GA, 2nd Inf. Co. C.
Nathaniel A., NC, 6th Cav. (65th St. Troops) Co. D.
N.B., MO, 1st & 4th 3rd & 5th Cons. Inf.
N.G., VA, 9th Inf. 2nd Co. A, Cpl.
Nicholas, TX, 11th Cav. Co. D.
Nicholas J.W.W., NC, 47th Inf. Co. D., Cpl.
Nicolas, B., MO, 4th Inf. Co. H., Sgt.
N.J., GA, 28th Inf. Co. K.
N.J., GA, 32nd Inf. Co. I, E.
N.J., MS, 6th Cav. Co. B.
N.L., AR, Mil.Desha Cty., Bn.
Norman B., AL, 8th Inf. Co. D.
N.S., LA, 2nd Inf. Co. B.
N.T., NC, 47th Inf. Co. D.
N.T., Gen. & Staff Asst. Surg.
P., GA, 66th Inf. Co. A.
P. TN, 13th (Gore's) Cav. Co. A.
P.A., MO, 15th Cav. Co. K.
Patrick Henry, AL, 37th Inf. Co. C.
P.C., SC, Cav. 19th Bn, Co. E, B, 2nd Lt.
P.C., SC, 20th Inf. Co. M, 2nd Lt.
P. C., SC, 23rd, Inf. Co. G, Bvt, 2nd Lt.
Peter, LA, 20th Inf. Co. I, Cpl.
P.M., AL, 4th (Russell's) Cav. Co. C.
P.M., AR, 16th Inf Co. I.
Presley N., AL, 4th Inf. Co. F.
P.W., AL, 1st Cav. 1st Co. C.
R., MS, 6th Cav. Co. C.
R., MS, 9th Inf. Old Co. H. Sgt.
R. A., TN, 3rd (Forrest's) Cav. Co. G.
R.B., TN, 14th (Neeley's) Cav., Co. D.
R.B., TN, Cav. Nixon's Regt. Co. D.
R. B., Floyd's Brig. 1st Lt.
R.F., GA, Lt. Arty, 12th Bn, 3rd Co. E.
Richard, MS, 2nd Inf. Co. G., Sgt.
Richard, VA, 37th Mil. Co. E.
Richard, VA, 40th Inf. Co. C.
Richard, 1st Corps, 1st Lt. Asst. Ch.Ord.Off.
Richard F., NC, 47th Inf. Co. D., Capt.
Richard H., NC, 15th Inf. Co. A.
Richard T., NC, 62nd Inf. Co. E.
AL, Auburn Home Guards Vol. Darby's Co. 1st Sgt.
R.M., TN, 11th (Homan's) Cav. Co. L, 2nd Lt.
R.M., TN, Douglass' Bn.Part.Rangers Bruster's Co., 2nd Lt.
R. M., TN, Inf. 3rd Bn, Co. E.
Robert B., VA, 20th Inf. Co. F.
Robert B., VA, 45th Inf. Co. A.
Robert B., VA, 57th Inf. Co. A.
Robert B., 7th Conf. Cav., 1st Lt., AQM
Robert R., TX, 18th Cav., Co. E.
Robert T., MS, 1st (Patton's) Inf., Co. E., 1st Lt.
Robert V., AL, 50th Inf. Co. D., Sgt.
R.S., TX, Conscr.
R.T., AL, Lt Arty, Tarrant's Btty.
R.V., AL, 22nd Inf. Co. I, Sgt.
R.W., AL, 12th Inf., Co. F.
R.W., AL, Auburn Home Guards Vol. Darby's Co.
R.W., GA, Lt. Arty. 12th Bn. 3rd Co. C.
S.A., NC, 50th Inf., Co. A.
S. A., SC, 4th Bn. Res.Co. B.
Samuel, GA, Phillips' Legion, Co. M.
Samuel, TN, 63rd Inf., Co. C.
Samuel, VA, 48th Inf. Co. H.
Samuel B., AL, 55th Vol.
Samuel C., TX, 8th Cav. Co. F.
Samuel C., Horse Arty, White's Btty., Sgt.
S. B., AL, 9th (Malone's) Cav., Co. M.
S.B., AR, Cav. Gordon's Regt. Co. E.
S.C., GA, Phillips' Legion, Co. B.
Seth W., VA, Cav. 46th Bn. Co. A.
S.H., TN, 12th (Cons) Inf. Co. D, 2nd Lt.
S.H., TN, 22nd Inf. Co. H, Sgt.
Sidney A., LA, 11th Inf., Co. F.
Sidney A., LA, 13th Inf. Co. D, G.
S.J., VA Hvy Arty. Allen's Co.
S.M., TX, 1st Hvy Arty. Co. F., Capt.
S. M., Gen & Staff. Arty, Capt.
S.P., TN, 15th Cav. Co. A.
S. T., NC, 35th Inf. Co. E.
Stephen, AR, 8th Cav. Co. E.
Stephen, MO, 1st Cav. Co. E.
Stephen, NC, 24th Inf. Co. H.
T. VA, 1st Bn. Res. Co. B.
T.A., AL, 4th (Russell's Cav., Co. F.
T. A., Mead's Conf. Cav. Co. E.
T.B., AL, 55th Vol. Co. A., Sgt.
T.B., 2nd Conf. Inf. Co. D. Cpl.
Terey S., AL, 49th Inf. Co. H., Sgt.
T.F., MS, Cav. Yerger's Regt. Co. C.
T.H., TN, 12th (Cons.) Inf. Co I, 2nd Lt.
Thaddeus, VA, 61st Inf. Co. G.
Thomas, AL, 3rd Res. Co. C.
Thomas, GA, 28th Inf., Co. K.
Thomas, NC, 39th Inf. Co. I., Cpl.
Thomas, VA, 5th Cav. (12 mo. '61-2) Co. H.
Thomas B., MS, 25th Inf. Co. D.
Thomas B., TX, 11th Cav., Co. D.
Thomas C., GA 28th Inf. Co. K.
Thomas H., NC, 17th Inf. (2nd Org.) Co. C.
Thomas H., TN 12th Inf. Co I, Bvt 2nd Lt.
Thomas H., VA, 12th Cav. Co. A.
Thomas J., GA, Phillips' Legion Co. B., Teamster.
Thomas J., TN, 18th Inf. Co. A.
Thomas M., TX, 10th Inf. Co. D. Cpl
Thomas M., TX, 12th Inf. Co. I., Cpl.
Thomas R., GA, 2nd Bn. S.S. Co. B, Music
Thomas R., GA 5th Inf., Co. K.L., Cpl.
Thomas S., NC, 24th Inf. Co. H.
Thomas W., AL, 2rd Cav. Sgt.
T.J., AR, 1st Vol. Co. E.
T.J., AR, 14th (McCarver's) Inf. Co. G.
T.J., AR, 21st Inf. Co. F.
T.J., TN, 3rd (Forrest's) Cav. 1st Co. F.
T.J., TN, Conscr.
T.L., AL, 7th Cav., Co. A.
T.R., AL, Auburn Home Guards Vol. Darby's Co.
T.R., GA, 32nd Inf. Co. I.
Tyree S., Mead's Conf. Cav. Co. E., Sgt.
U.Y., TN, Inf. 22nd Bn, Co. E.
W., AR, 13th Mil. Co. E., Cpt.
W. KY, 1st Inf. Co. H.
W., TN, 12th (Green's) Cav., Co. I.
Wade, NC, 47th Inf. Co. C.
Wallace, NC, 1st Jr. Res., Co. A.
W.C., GA, 40th Inf. Co. H., Cpl.
W.C., MS, 6th Cav. Co. B., 1st Sgt.
W. C., MS, Cav. Davenport's Bn. (St. Troops) Co. A,C.
W. C., MS, 2nd (Davidson's) Inf. Co. A., 1st Sgt.
Werter G., VA, 4th Cav. Co E.
W.G., AL, 15th Inf., Asst.Surg.
W.H., AL, 1st Cav. Co. A.
W.H., TX, Granbury's Cons. Big, Co. H, Sgt.
Wiley P., AL, 4d, [sic] Co. F.
William, AL, Cav. Lewis' Bn. Asst Surg.
William, AR, Lt.Arty., Hart's Btty.
William, GA, 49th Inf., Co. A.
William, NC, 60th Inf. Co. C.
William, TN, 22nd (Barteau's) Cav. Co. B.
William, TN, 7th Inf., Co. K.
William, TN, 62nd Mid. Inf., Co. D.
William, VA, Inf., 1st Bn. Co. C.
William A., AL, 4th Inf. Co. F.
William A., AR, 35th Inf. Co. B.
William B., TN, Cav. Newsom's Regt. Co. E.
William B., VA, Atty. Dance's Co.
William C., GA, 36th (Villepigue's) Inf. Co. E.
William C., 1t Conf. Inf., 1st Co. E.
William Cass, NC, 30th Inf. Co. B., Capt.
William D., NC, 42nd Inf. Co. F.
William E., GA, 12th Cav. Co. H.
William E., NC, 1st Jr. Res., Co. A.
William F., AL, 4th Inf., Co. F.
William F., GA, Lt.Arty, (Jackson's Atty.) Massenburg's Bttn.
William F., NC, 12th Inf. Co. H.
William F., TN, 23rd Inf., Co. B.
William F., VA, Arty. Kevill's Co.
William F., VA, 41st Inf, 1st Co. E.
Wm. G., Gen & Staff Asst Surg.
William Green, AL, 51st (Part. Rangers(, Co. B.
William H., NC, 47th Inf. Co. D., Sgt.
William H., TX, 18th Cav. Co. E., 1st Sgt.
William H., VA, 15th Cav., Co. E.
William H., VA, Cav, 15th Bn. Co. C.
William H., VA, 111th Mil. Co. B.
William M., MO, 3rd Inf. Co. D.
William M., VA 10th Cav., Co. E.
William R., NC, 35th Inf. Co. D.
William S., TX, 29th Cav. Co. B., 1st Sgt.
William T., GA, Cav. 7th Bn. (St. Guards) Co. D.
William T., GA, 34th Inf. Co. H.
William T., VA, Hood's Bn. Res. 1st Lt.
William W., AL, 4th (Russell's) Cav. Co. K.
Willis, NC, 1st Art. (10th St.Troops), Co. G.
Willis, TN, 37th Inf. Co. G.
Willis, TN, 62nd Mtd. Inf., Co. D.
W.J.A.Y.J.L., [sic] GA, 1st (Seymons') Res. Co. E.
W.L., MS, 2nd St. Cav. Co. B.
W.L., TN, 14th (Neely's) Cav. Co. I. 1st Lt.
W.N., AL, 4th (Russell's) Cav. Co. K.
W.O., AR, 14th (McCarver's) Inf. Co. G.
W.O., AR, 21st Inf., Co. F., Sgt.
W.P., AL, 4th (Russell's) Cav., Co. K.
W.P., AL, 4th Inf.
W.T., GA, 3rd Inf. Co. I.
W.W., TN, 4th (McLemore's) Cav. Co. E.
Zacharia M., TN, (11th Holman's) Cav. Co. G., Sgt.
Henry, AL, 4th Inf. Co. B.
Jackson, AL, 61st Inf. Co. E.
John S., AL, 3rd Inf. Co. C.
Joseph J., SC, 2nd Inf. Co. E., Capt.
Paul, AL, 63rd Inf., Co. D.
R.C., SC, 4th St. Troops Co. C., 1st Sgt.
T.C., AL, 15th Bn, Part Rangers, Co. A.
T.C., AL, 56th Part. Rangers, Co. A.
William, SC, Inf. 7th Bn. (Enfield Rifles) Co. G.
William H., AL, 3rd Inf. Co. C., Cpl.
Charles, AR, 37th Inf. Co. B.
Elijah, TN, 11th, Co. H.
Giov, LA, Mil. 4th Reg. Eur. Brig, Cognevich's Co.
This concludes the extraction of the Drake surname from the ConfederateRoster.
Shirley Drake Maynard