page 150-151

Note: The first column has a number, which I will include, but I have no idea what it means. Second column is NAME OF APPLICANT. Third column is RESIDENCE OF APPLICANT. Fourth column is, AMOUNT ALLOWED.
Margaret Grove Driskill
Date: Wednesday, 29 July 1998 12:23
4,244 Alden Drake, by Administratrix Vienna $74.00
11,300 Asa Drake, Chenango County, New York 58.00
15,038 Asa Drake, Florence, New York 85.00
3,277 Benj. R Drake, Wheeler, NY 55.00
11,408 Daniel Drake, New Rochelle, Westchester Co., NY 58.00
16,330 Daniel Drake, by Widow New Rochelle, NY 50.00
10,451 Elijah Drake, by Widow, Clarkson, Monroe County, NY 65.00
16,707 Gideon Drake, by Widow Burns, Livingston County, 61.00
3,455 Gilbert Drake, Prattsburgh, NY 55.00
10,468 Isaac Drake, Sturges, St. Joseph County, Michigan 105.00
2,332 James Drake, Elba, Genesee County, NY 21.00
7,143 James Drake, Athens, Pennsylvania 29.00
2,868 Jedediah Drake, Owego, Tioga County, NY 60.00
3,050 Joshua Drake, Tompkins, Delaware County, NY 82.00
1,049 Justus Drake, Norwich, NY 43.00
378 Nathan Drake, Arcadia, NY 65.00
5,819 Nathan Drake, by Administrator, Boston, Summit County, Ohio 58.00
227 Noah Drake, Leoni, Michigan 78.00
515 Otis Drake, Volney, NY 58.00
3,302 Samuel Drake, Easton, Washington County, 57.00
5,776 Samuel Drake, by Admi istratrix Greece, NY 58.00
10,380 Thomas W Drake, Reading, Schuyler County, NY 58.00
15,791 Thomas W Drake, Reading, Schuyler County, NY 54.00