Looking for Stephen Drake father of Abraham Drake b. Abt. 1784 d. 11 June 1845, Pymatuming Township, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania
From: "Kay Bolduan"
Subject: Looking for Stephen Drake father of Abraham Drake b. Abt. 1784 d. 11 June 1845, Pymatuming Township, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania
Date: Sunday, June 13, 2004 9:21 AM

----- Original Message ----- Here is a copy of information I have regarding Stephen Drake's descendents. I have excluded generations 1 and 2 because they are speculative, and also all generations still living. I have much information about this Drake line and would be willing to share with living relative's permission. I also have much supporting documentation including some certified records. I am hopeful that someone out there will be able to help make our ancestral connections.

Many years ago, my mother and sister traveled all over the country searching for evidence of our Drake ancestry. As a result, we have many photos from cemeteries, and other documentation. Recently I decided to help my mother finish the work she started so long ago. What a delight to stumble on to your site. I have found land records, death notices and other important information as a direct result of the great work you are doing on this website. Please keep up the good work.

Please include my current email address should anyone desire to contact me.

Thank you so much!