Date: Tuesday, 7 September 1999 8:42 AM
Hi Roy,
Not to worry, everybody else (MYSELF INCLUDED!) is probably behind too! In
fact, I'm just now getting around to really viewing your web-site. I've
added a bit of info since I made that query back in Dec. 1998 about Jennie
Lee Drake. I think I've connected to the James Drake b. 1725/26 in
Devonshire England that Cindy Hale-Morrow Bray's web-site starts with.
I guess now all I'm needing is documentation, and any family stories from my
line. Let me know if you want the info I now have.
Thanks for all the work you do for the Drake line. The web page is SUPER!
Even an internet novice like myself can figure out what's going on!