William Drake/Mary Watts lineage
From: "Melba Sherwood" 

Date: Thursday, 14 June 2001 6:35 AM

Greetings, Roy.  I have long enjoyed your site, and have utilized most
facets of it myself.  Now it is time to share my information with you.

My oldest Drake ancestor was William Drake, who married Sarah (Lowther,
perhaps).  His son William married Mary Watts in 1760 in Virginia.  I have
been working with several cousins to put together our lineage, and it looks
good to us.  The FTW outline is 17 pages long, and the FTW printout is 50
pages long with sources.

We have been documenting heavily, and although the information is not
"finished"  (is it ever finished?), it is time for us to share it.

How shall I proceed to get this information to you for publication on your
site?  I do have it listed in part on a MyFamily site, but that is password
protected, and won't be linked to.

Please advise me how to proceed---I am especially concerned with not
publishing too much on living relatives.

Thanks for your assistance.

Melba Sherwood