Drake photos
From: "Paul Drake"

Date: Saturday, 2 November 2002 5:56 AM

Your call surely, Roy. I though that lady's work was VERY nice, and her format should be considered by all who enjoy visual displays of lineage. :) Thanks, as always, for your fine work, Roy; every Drake descendant should be proud of you (and most of us know that and are so) Have a nice nite, and thanks again. Why not post the ongoing DNA results from Alan and Don Drake ?? Warmest regards, my distant cousin. Paul

----- Original Message -----
From: Roy Andrews
To: Paul Drake
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 1:44 PM
Subject: Drake photos

Hi there Paul and thanks for the great photo of Shirleys Dad and also the "Picture composition".
Where abouts should it go on the website - any ideas, maybe a new area???
Best wishes,
