[DRAKE] Noah Drake of PA/NJ, b. 1803/1808
From: "Alfred Drake" 

Date: Sunday, 8 September 2002 7:53 AM

Thanks, have you visited Roy's Website yet?  If not, you'll be in for a 
I'll keep looking for your PA Noah and let you know if I find something.

From: "Lisa Marcinek" 
Reply-To: DRAKE-L@rootsweb.com
To: DRAKE-L@rootsweb.com
Subject: Re: [DRAKE] Noah Drake of PA/NJ, b. 1803/1808
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2002 10:28:18 -0500

Hi Alfred,
I was able to open your latest attachment, plus the one from last night.  I
am in awe of your work!  I never expected to find anyone with that many
records on the Drake family!

That makes it all the more frustrating, however, to conclude that the Noah
and daughter Sarah Drake of NJ in your file are not mine.  There are facts
that match:  Noah, wife Margaret, daughter Sarah.  But the dates and
location don't match.  You have Noah Drake b. abt 1779, m. in Woodbridge,
NJ.  I have an 1850 census report on my Noah Drake in Columbia County, PA,
age 47, b. PA, plus the names of the children don't match.

I guess I was trying too hard to make the Noah Drake of NJ be my Noah Drake
of PA.  Also, I would have LOVED to tap into a line that goes back to 1251,
but hey, I'm not about to start claiming something I can't prove.  Do you
agree, or do you think I'm missing something?  Could my Drakes be from that
elusive Dutch branch I've heard about?  Any pointers?
Lisa Marcinek

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