[DRAKE] Susan Drake/Enos Norville, 1787
From: "berning carol" 
Subject: [DRAKE] Susan Drake/Enos Norville, 1787
Date: Sunday, 31 March 2002 1:25 PM

Hello all,

I want to begin by thanking Dick Stallings who responded to my question
about an old house I photographed in Edgecombe County last year.  Thanks
Dick!  For Dick then put me in contact with Jay Stallings who gave me more
information and tromped around in fields and cemeteries with my family and
me on Sunday of this past week.  Thanks Jay!  Then Jay put me in contact
with Paul Drake who has written so thoroughly and eloquently about our
Edgecombe County Drakes.  Thanks Paul!  Then Paul put me in contact with
A.J., Sallie, Zora, A.J., III, and Paul.  What a lovely family!  I'm so
proud to be kin!  A.J., Sallie, and Zora had done so much "leg work" before
my parents and I got to Pine Tops.  Their work enabled us to walk where my
Enos Norville, Sr. had bought land on John's Branch.  It enabled us to visit
the Lower Town Creek Church and Aughtrey's (Otter's) Creek Church where
Enos, Sr. and his wife Elizabeth Barnes Coburn Norville (daughter of Elder
Joshua Barnes) held their memberships.

My parents and I were absolutely thrilled when we found a legal transaction
involving Margaret Drake, John Taylor, Gray Drake, James Drake, Henry Drake,
and Enos Norville, Jr.   We knew that Enos, Jr. married Susan Drake, but we
had not been able to confirm a connection between Enos and Jesse Drake's
family.  We had our suspicions that our Susan was the same as Jesse's
Susannah, but we wanted a piece of paper.  Yep!  We found it in Pitt County.
We also found another deed that described the land owned by Enos Norville as
being part in Edgecombe County and part in Pitt County.  And after traveling
around with A.J., Zora, and Jay, that was easy to visualize.

So there are many people who have helped me to make all these connections,
and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.  My father--the Enos
and Susan descendant--is now telling everyone he meets and sees about his
ancestral find.  What a joy!

Finally, I want to thank the Drake list and all the people who help to make
it possible.

Carol Norville Berning
3824 Herschel Hudson Rd.
Lascassas, TN  37085

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