Drake Biography
From: Terry Madsen
Date: Monday, 19 July 1999 12:03 PM

Hi Roy,

With the Drake reunion of the descendants of Fred Jacob Drake to be
celebrated in a couple of weeks, I thought it should be fitting that I send
you the biography of this man to be included on the Drake Web Page.

My function at the reunion will be to introduce the extended family to the
joys of genealogy over the internet, so I will be showing them how to
access the Web page, as well as how to join the mailing list, etc.

I have not yet developed the film that has photos of the old homestead in
Victor Idaho, but if you think that would be worthy of Web page space, let
me know and I will scan and send them as soon as I have the photos.

Thanks for your hard work on the Fabulous Drake Website,
Terry Madsen