From: Michael Drake
Subject: Your site!
Date: Monday, 7 December 1998 2:57 AM
Roy, the article looks wonderful. Your site nearly blew me away when
I finally took the time to examine it a little more carefully. I
can't get over your thoroughness. What a selfless project! What an
asset to researchers! I have copies of some wills that I will get to
you as soon as I can. Did you get Helen Blankenship Roech's article
about Joseph Drake from the author? I was really surprised to see it
on the list of historical articles. Wonderful to see Aleta Dyer's
name on an article. Congratulations, mate. I've corresponded with
Paul Drake. I've talked on the phone and corresponded with Jo White
Linn. Lord, I know these people's literary voices.
Michael E. Drake
5 North Edgewood
LaGrange, Illinois 60525