A - P

thanks to Carol Stultz, C. G.
Genealogical Research & Publications
Danville, IN

War, pension and bounty land records from Abial Drake to Isaac Drake
Abiel Drake s.38674 Connecticut state of Connecticut, county of Hartford
Abraham Drake 8517 - New Hampshire
Affidavit by Abraham Drake dated 30 April 1818
Affidavit given by Abraham's brother, Nathaniel Drake August 5, 1853
Adam Drake - revolutionary pensioner from Massachusetts
Albrittian Drake & wife, ruth
Benjamin Drake s.2182 revolutionary war soldier - New York
Clement Drake & Silence Bonney (former widow) Massachusetts
Cornelius Drake New Jersey roll (rev. war)
David g. Drake s.23606 rev. war New York
Ebenezer Drake private Connecticut
Elihu Drake - s.38673 - Connecticut soldier
Elijah Drake - New York w.16243 rev. war
The family of Elijah & Phebe Drake
Officers of Elijah, Colonel Samuel Drake in his regiment.
Elijah Drake & wife Abigail #w.3665 Penn
Affidavit of Thomas Drake, son of Elijah & Abigail Drake
deposition of Elihu a. Drake - 4th day of October - 1838
Ephraim Drake - New Hampshire line - s.16771
Gideon Drake & wife Annah - number w14643
Probate, said county of Strafford, Ephraim Drake
Isaac Drake of New Jersey & Pennsylvania #r 3072
Isaac Drake cont: a letter dated May 6th 1853
re: Isaac Drake, born Morris co. New Jersey 1764.
Isaac Drake: born in February, 1764, Morris county, N.J.
Isaac Drake - r.3072.- the revolutionary war records
Jacob Drake - New Jersey - #s637
James Drake wife Hannah number w-21006 - from New Hampshire
Declaration of james Drake
Melzer Drake or Melzor & Chloe (rev. war record-micro-film#m804-850) state of Mass. no. w24875
Michael Drake/ his widow, Sarah Drake - Massachusetts line
Noah Drake, pensioner from state of Connecticut
Oliver Drake -s.35265 ra-j/awf
Oliver Drake & wife Ruth w.21003
Oliver Drake, Taunton, private, Capt. James Perry's company,
Oliver Drake, Stougtonham, private, Capt. Samuel Payson's co., Col. Joseph Read's (20th) regt.;
Perez Drake, of Otsego county, in the state of New York,

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