thanks to Carol Stultz, C. G.
War, pension and bounty land records from Abial Drake to Isaac Drake Abiel Drake s.38674 Connecticut state of Connecticut, county of Hartford Abraham Drake 8517 - New Hampshire Affidavit by Abraham Drake dated 30 April 1818 Affidavit given by Abraham's brother, Nathaniel Drake August 5, 1853 Adam Drake - revolutionary pensioner from Massachusetts Albrittian Drake & wife, ruth Benjamin Drake s.2182 revolutionary war soldier - New York Clement Drake & Silence Bonney (former widow) Massachusetts Cornelius Drake New Jersey roll (rev. war) David g. Drake s.23606 rev. war New York Ebenezer Drake private Connecticut Elihu Drake - s.38673 - Connecticut soldier Elijah Drake - New York w.16243 rev. war The family of Elijah & Phebe Drake Officers of Elijah, Colonel Samuel Drake in his regiment. Elijah Drake & wife Abigail #w.3665 Penn Affidavit of Thomas Drake, son of Elijah & Abigail Drake deposition of Elihu a. Drake - 4th day of October - 1838 Ephraim Drake - New Hampshire line - s.16771 Gideon Drake & wife Annah - number w14643 Probate, said county of Strafford, Ephraim Drake Isaac Drake of New Jersey & Pennsylvania #r 3072 Isaac Drake cont: a letter dated May 6th 1853 re: Isaac Drake, born Morris co. New Jersey 1764. Isaac Drake: born in February, 1764, Morris county, N.J. Isaac Drake - r.3072.- the revolutionary war records Jacob Drake - New Jersey - #s637 James Drake wife Hannah number w-21006 - from New Hampshire Declaration of james Drake Melzer Drake or Melzor & Chloe (rev. war record-micro-film#m804-850) state of Mass. no. w24875 Michael Drake/ his widow, Sarah Drake - Massachusetts line Noah Drake, pensioner from state of Connecticut Oliver Drake -s.35265 ra-j/awf Oliver Drake & wife Ruth w.21003 Oliver Drake, Taunton, private, Capt. James Perry's company, Oliver Drake, Stougtonham, private, Capt. Samuel Payson's co., Col. Joseph Read's (20th) regt.; Perez Drake, of Otsego county, in the state of New York, |