Date: Sunday, 23 May 1999 6:14 Dear Cousins, Fearless Leader, and ships that pass in the night, :) I was cleaning up my hard drive when I found this. Hope it helps someone. If so, please let me know. Fondly, Margaret Driskill BOOK- CAVALIERS & PIONEERS, ABSTRACTS OF VIRGINIA LAND PATENTS & GRANTS, BY NELL MARION NUGENT, VOLUME THREE: 1695-1732, Virginia State Library, Richmond, VA , 1979 (found in Victoria Library) Page 305 -JOHN DRAKE, 270 acres (N.L.) Is. of Wight Sounty, S. Side the main Blackwater SW. 24 March 1725, Page 445. (Paid 30 Shillings) Page 252 - THOMAS DRAKE, 200 acres, (N.L.) Isle of Wight County, S. Side of the main Blackwater, SW. 5 Sept, 1723, Page 254, (Paid 20 Shillings) Page 139 - THOMAS DRAKE, 230 Acres, (N.L.) Isle of Wight County, on S. Side the main Black Wawter, SW. 13 November 1713, Page 120.{Imp. of 5 pers: Jane Hutton, William Moss, Elizabeth Mercer, John Luther, William Smith} Page 137 - RICHARD DRAKE, 200 Acres. (N.L.), Isle of Wight County, S. Side of the main Blackwater, SW, below Thomas Drake's house, on E. Side of Nottaway, SW. 13 November 1713, Page 108, {Imp. of 4 pers: William Welch, Jane Canncy (or Cauncy), Margaret Clary, Henry Applewhate.} Page 135 - THOMAS DRAKE, 250 Acres, (N.L.) Isle of Wight County, S. side of Nottoway River, on N. Side of Totaquotunnta SW. Adjacent Joseph Lane & Thomas Jarrell. 13 November 1713, Page 99. {Imp. of 5 persons: Thomas Altman, John Barrow, Alexander Campbell, John Sutton, Peter Williamson.} Page 135 - RICHARD DRAKE, 285 Acres. (N.L.), Isle of Wight County, S. side of the main Black Water; on N. Side of Nottaway, SW, Adjacent, Edward Goodson, Matthew Rushin & Mr. Richard Washington, 13 November 1713, Page 102, {Imp. of 6 pers:, Richard Reynolds, William Wilson, Wawlter Howell, Henry Mackelly, John Anthony, Timothy Lane.} Page 305 - JOHN DRAKE, 270 Acres. (N.L.) Isle of Wight County, S. Side the main Blackwater, SW; on E. side of Horsebone Br., Corner of Francis Bessie (Bressy), Adjacent, Joshua Joyner's line; Thomas Allen & Richard Drank's Land. 24 March 1725, Page 445, (Paid 30 Shillings) Page 137 - RICHARD DRAKE, 200 Acres, (N.L.) Isle of Wight County, on S. Side of the main Blackwater, SW, Below THOMAS DRAKE'S House, on E. Side of Nottaway, SW, Adjacent, Thomas Manders, 13 November 1713, Page 108, Imp. of 4 pers:, William Welch, Jane Canncy (or Cauncy), Margaret Clary, Henry Applewhate. Page 135 - THOMAS DRAKE, 250 Acres. (N.L.) Isle of Wight County, S. side of Nottoway River, on N. side of Totaquotunnta SW, Adjacent, Joseph Lane & Thomas Jarrell 13 November 1713, Page 99, Imp of 5 persons: Thomas Altman, John Barrow, Alexander Campbell, John Sutton, Peter Williamson. Page 135 - RICHARD DRAKE, 285 Acres. (N.L.) Isle of Wight County, S. side of the main Black Water, on N. Side of Nottaway, SW, adjacent, Edward Goodson, Matthew Rushin, & Mr. Richard Washington, 13 November 1713, Page 102. Imp of 6 pers: Richard Reynolds, William Wilson, Walter Howell, Henry Mackelly, John Anthony, Timothy Lane. Page 305 - JOHN DRAKE, 270 Acres, (N.L.) Isle of Wight County, S. Side the main Blackwater, SW, on E. side of Horsebone Branch, Corner of Francis Bressie (Bressy), Adjacent, Joshua Joyner's line, Thomas Allen & Richard DRAKE'S, land, 24 March 1725, Page 445, (Paid 30 Shillings) |