23 DECEMBER 1795

From: Francie Lane   
Date:Saturday, April 04, 1998 3:12

This Indenture made this 23rd day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety five between ANDREW GREER, SENR. of the County of Washington & Territory of the United States of America South of the River Ohio of the one part and BENJAMIN DRAKE of the County & Territory aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said ANDREW GREER, SENR. for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid before the ensealing & delivery of these presents the receipt whereof the said ANDREW GREER doth hereby acknowledge, hath bargained and sold, aliened, enfeoffed, released and confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alein, enfeoff, release and confirm unto the said BENJAMIN DRAKE, his heirs and assigns forever all that part of a tract of six hundred forty acres of land granted by the State of North Carolina to JOHN SHELBY, JUNR., the grant of which bearing No. 237 situate, lying and being in the County and Territory aforesaid on the North side of Watauga River, Beginning at the foot of a mountain opposite the tumbling shoals at a large poplar running South eight degrees East twenty eight poles up said river to a small hicory on the river bank, thence East thirty poles up said river to a walnut, thence South sixty degrees East thirty poles up said river to a stake, thence South seventy degrees East seventy eight poles to another, thence South eighty five degrees East seventy two poles to a White hicory on the river bank opposite to LANDON CARTER'S, thence North fifty five degrees East seventy two poles to a sycamore on the river bank, thence North fifty degrees East thirty four poles to a black oak, thence North seventy degrees East thirty four poles to a stake in the public wagon road just above a cleft of rocks nearly opposite the lower end of CARTER'S land, thence North eighteen degrees East sixteen poles to a stake in said road, thence North fifty six degrees East twenty six and one half poles to a stake in said road, thence North fifteen degrees East fifteen poles to a stake in said road, thence North fifty five degrees ( “North fifteen degrees” crossed out) West fourteen poles to a stake in said road, thence West twenty poles to a stake in said road, thence North thirty one degrees West sixty two poles to a stake in said road, thence North twenty one degrees West fifty five poles, eleven links to a stake on the back line of the aforesaid old survey of six hundred forty acres, thence North eighty eight degrees West one hundred and sixty poles to a stake corner to the aforesaid old survey, thence South thirty degrees West two hundred and thirty poles to the Beginning, containing THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY SEVEN ACRES and also the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, and services thereof and all the estate right, title, interest, property claim & demand whatsoever of him the said ANDREW GREER, SENR. his heirs and assigns of in and to the said tract or parcel of land & of in & to every part and parcel thereof To have and to hold the said seat, tract or parcel of land & premises unto the said BENJAMIN DRAKE his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of him the said BENJAMIN DRAKE his heirs and assigns forever the said ANDREW GREER for himself, his heirs, executors & admrs. doth covenant & grant to and with the said BENJAMIN DRAKE his heirs & assigns by these presents that him the said ANDREW GREER & his heirs the said seat, tract or parcel of land unto the said BENJAMIN DRAKE his heirs & assigns will and shall warrant and defend forever from all persons claiming or to claim from by or under him or them or any of them or any other person or persons whatsoever In Witness Whereof the said ANDREW GREER hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day & year first above written. Ack. ANDREW GREER (Seal) Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of LANDON CARTER, JULIUS CONNOR and JOHN MARTIN Carter County October Term 1797 This Deed was legally admitted to record let it be registered. Test. GEO. WILLIAMS, C.C. Registered November the 27th 1797