N Eugene DRAKE,
was born in the town of Newfield, September 10, 1854,
a son of William H., also a native of this county,

DRAKE, N. Eugene, was born in the town of Newfield, September 10, 1854, a son of William H., also a native of this county, born September 6, 1825. He was a farmer and lived in the town of Newfield until thirty years of age, when he removed to Enfield, where he still resides. His wife was Sarah HENRY, of Irish descent, born July 18, 1830, and died August 3, 1856, leaving two children: Joseph H., a carpenter of Cleveland, 0., and Eugene. The latter was educated in the common schools and assisted his father on the farm until the age of twenty-one, after which he was for two years employed in wagonmaking in Newfield. In 1878 he came to Ithaca, engaging with S. C. WATTLES in his produce store, where he remained four years. He was with George W. FROST for over three years, after which, in company with James MITCHELL, he established a general grocery and provision store at 67 East State Street. The firm of MITCHELL & DRAKE existed about eighteen months, and then Mr. MITCHELL sold his interest to Herbert B. TOWNSEND. DRAKE & TOWNSEND conducted business till March 6, 1892, and Mr. DRAKE bought his partner's interest and has since conducted the business alone. He is one of the leading grocers of the city, carrying a line of staples, and also dealing in fruit. He has been a member of Ithaca Lodge I. O. O. F. since 1893 and is also a member of the Fire Department. In 1883 he married Jennie CARD, daughter of Timothy CARD of Candor.

Thankyou: http://www.rootsweb.com/~nytompki/tfam07.htm>Landmarks of Tompkins County, New York