John Dickerson Drake, born 1852, Indiana, Minnesota

Date: Saturday, 16 May 1998 10:28

As promised, here is the first of four Drakes, found in Minnesota.

Source:  Memorial Record of the Counties of Faribault, Martin, Watonwan
and Jackson, Minnesota.  Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1895. 
Extracted from the library of Olmsted County Historical Society,
Rochester, Olmsted County, Minnesota.  

pages 210-211.

John Dickerson Drake, a farmer of section 32, Center Creek township, was
born in Indiana, December 7, 1852, a son of Kelley and Sarah (Ashby)
Drake.  The mother is supposed to have been born in Indiana.  The father
died when our subject was four years old.  They were the parents of four
children -- Jane, wife of J. P. Vandike, of Iowa; James W., also of that
State; John D., the subject of this sketch; and Elizabeth, deceased.

J. D. Drake, the youngest son and third child was taken by his parents
to Benton county, Iowa, at the age of nine months, where he was reared
to farm life and attended the district schools, also spending one winter
in the Irving School.  At the age of fifteen years he began life on his
own account, coming to Martin county, Minnesota, where he worked at farm
labor for a year and a half, returned to Benton county, in 1876 located
on a rented farm in Fairmont township, Martin County, remaining there
six years, spent one year in Faribault county, and in 1882 bought the
place where he now resides, consisting of 320 acres, all under a fine
state of cultivation.  Mr. Drake assisted in the organization of the
Center Creek Creamer Association. He is identified with the Republican
party, and has served five years as chairman of the Board of
Supervisors, and for a time was a member of the School Board.

Mr. Drake was married in 1875 to Lillian Hodgman, born in Onondaga
county, New York, August 30, 1858, a daughter of A. J. and Louisa
(Walrath) Hodgman.  She was brought by her parents to Martin county when
quite young.  Our subject and wife have four children -- Alta, Millie,
Alvin and Nettie.  One son, Amason K., died at the age of twelve years.
Peggy Kobliska