Lucy R. Drake - Among the works of faith well known in Boston is the Consumptives' Home, carried on after the manner of George Müller's Orphan House in Europe, the laborers asking God for means to carry on their work, and receiving aid as in answer to prayer; and with this establishment is connected a lady known as a deaconess, Miss LUCY R. DRAKE, of Boston Highlands. "The Boston Journal" referred to her in August, 1875, in an account of a Methodist camp-meeting held in South Framingham, Mass., as follows: "The preacher's place was supplied by a deaconess connected with Dr. Charles Cullis's Grove Hall institution known as 'a work of faith,'—a lady of prepossessing personal appearance, and one of those whose Christian labors during the past seven years have entitled her to the respect and even love of the many New Englanders with whom she has become acquainted. Miss Drake is one of the few women who have attained success as platform-speakers at an early age; and words fall from her lips with a sweetness and power rarely seen. We asked her in private conversation to-day what was the object of her labors as she travelled over the country, having never met her before. Her eyes were lighted as it were with earnestness, and her entire countenance pictured religious zeal, as she replied, 'My mission is to preach Christ to the poor.' She is doing a noble work; and in this connection we would state that Dr. Cullis intends sending her as his first missionary to India during the latter part of September. Should her life be spared until that time, the heartfelt 'God-speed' of many will go with her. "Miss Drake also engaged the attention, and labored to spiritually enlighten the minds, of the 'lambs of the flock,' as she gathered them into the children's meeting one half-hour after the public dinner service was over, by delineating to their youthful minds prominent Bible characters, and gently speaking to them of the little temptations which would assail them in their onward journey in life." |