Drake Deaths:
Drake cemetery, Old Gurley Pike, New Hope,
Madison Co., Alabama
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Contributed by Louise Brockway Thedford eagle98@pcsys.net July 1998
This cemetery is located on the old, John Calvin Drake, plantation.

Name				Birth			Death

Drake, Elvy L. (Lee)		??/ ??/ 1977		??/ ??/ 1948
									} Double
Drake, Alva L.			??/ ??/1880		??/ ??/1958

Drake,  Lou S.			Dec. 17, 1900		May 4, 1989
									 } Double		
Drake,  Ruben W.		Feb. 19, 1901		May 29, 1969

Drake, Flossie Stone		??/ ??/ 1902		??/ ??/ 1950
									 } Double
Drake, John William		??/ ??/ 1898		??/ ??/ 1954

Infant Dau. of  R.W.
& Hester Vann		Dec. 28, 1917		Jan. 9, 1918

Patricia Kathrene Faulk	Sept. 2, 1941		Only one date

Drake, Dan C. Sr.		Oct. 16, 1887		Jan. 23, 1961
									 } Double
Drake, Jennie H. (Hill)	Mar. 19, 1888		May 22, 1964

Brockway, Arva Cecil		March 31, 1908	May 16, 1962
									 } Double
Brockway, Dimple Drake	Nov. 24, 1919		July 24, 1998

Drake, Elonza Mitchell	June 27, 1877		Feb. 20, 1965
"Wed:  Dec. 30, 1918"						 } Double
Drake, Christina Evans	Jan. 12, 1898		May 30, 1953	

Drake, Woodrow Eulece	Dec. 3, 1919		Mar. 13, 1940

Drake, Charles S.		July 20, 1885		Aug. 18, 1907	
"Son of T. S. & Matilda Drake"

Drake, Tyra Span		??/ ??/ 1842		??/ ??/ 1916	
Serg.  Co. E   Mead's  Ala. Cav.  Confederate States Army

Woody, Matilda		??/ ??/ 1857		??/ ??/ 1933
"Wife of Tyra S. Drake"

Owens, Mary			??/ ??/ 1847		??/ ??/ 1883
"Wife of Tyra S. Drake"		

Cobb, James D. Sr.		Dec. 27, 1891		July 9, 1968
									 } Double
Cobb, Mary Drake		Feb. 22, 1889		Sept. 29, 1976	

Drake, Clifton			??/ ??/ 1874		??/ ??/ 1903

Drake, John Calvin		Jan. 19, 1810		Feb. 25, 1876

Drake, Martha Vann		??/ ??/ 1815		??/ ??/ 1864
(Wife of John Calvin Drake)

Drake, Martha Cooper	??/ ??/ 1835		??/ ??/ 1890
(Wife of John Calvin Drake)

Drake, Willie W.		Sep. 21, 1855		Feb. 26, 1917
(William Wallace Wood Drake)

Drake, Margaret Susan	Mar. 1, 1857		Jan. 7, 1887
"Wife of W. W. Drake"

Drake Luria Beatrice		Mar. 3, 1873		July 8, 1912
"Wife of W. W. Drake"

Drake, Lela Florence		May 10, 1883		Jan. 9, 1898
"Dau. Of W. W. & M. S. Drake"

Drake, Wallace W.		June 16, 1909		Sept 16, 1936
"Wallace W. Drake, who died saving Wesley C. Ray from suffocation Austin, Texas"
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends"

Branum, Robert Otia		??/ ??/ 1890		??/ ??/ 1941	
									 } Double
Branum, Lucy Drake		??/ ??/ 1891		??/ ??/ 1971		

Drake, Claude S.		Oct. 26, 1904		May 14, 1965

Henderson, Charles Thomas, Jr.
				June 2, 1929		June 2, 1929

Butler, Ann			Dec. 5, 1935		Aug. 30, 1936

Butler, Elvy and Alva		Feb. 28, 1930		Feb. 28, 1930
(Both names are on the same stone.)