Mary Sophia Drake married
Victor James Andrews
25th April 1914

A wedding took place at St Andrew's Church, Bridgman, on 25th April, when Miss Mary Sophia Drake, only daughter of Mr and Mrs A.J.Drake of `Merlin', St Clair, was married to Mr Victor James Andrews, fourth son of the late Mr and Mrs J.Andrews of Mt Olive.
The church was prettily decorated by the friends of the bride. The Reverend J.Kirkland performed the ceremony.The bride,who was given away by her father,wore a gown of ivory palette trimmed with lace and chiffron.She carried a bouquet of white roses and asparagus fern and wore a pendent set with rubies and diamonds(gifts of the bridegroom).
The bridesmaids were Miss O.Andrews, Miss B.Sattler and Miss A.Young, whose frocks were of embroidered voile with pearl trimming.They wore caps to match,and carried bouquets of pink roses. To Miss O.Andrews the bridegroom gave a gold pendant,and to the Misses Sattler and Young he gave cameo brooches.
Mr F.Andrews acted as best man, and Messrs Richardson and A.Elkin as groomsmen. After the ceremony Mr and Mrs Drake entertained the guests (about 60 in number) at the Bridgman Hall.Later Mr and Mrs Andrews left by motor for Singleton to catch the evening train to Sydney en route for Melbourne.
The bride's travelling dress was of navy serge with hat to match. The presents were numerous and costly.
Roy Andrews