A very interesting wedding took place last Wednesday, at
"Springwood", the residence of the brides father, when Mr Henry Drake,
eldest son of E.Drake, "Oak Park", was married to Miss Martha Richards,
fourth daughter of Mr Simon Richards, "Springmount and "Greenmount".
The officiating clergyman was the Rev H.Wiles.
The bride wore a dress of white cashmere,with watered silk trimmings,
tulle veil and wreath of orange blossoms. The bridesmaids (Miss Benie
Richards and Miss Louisa Drake) looked charming in dresses of liberty
silk with spray and bouquets..en suite.
After the breakfast the happy couple made their departure for the
railway en route to Sydney. The brides travelling costume was of grey
cloth and felt hat to match.
Among the numerous presents the following may be mentioned......
MR PERRIM...................electroplate lamp MRS MORRISON................silver cruet Miss BENIE RICHARDS.........bread knife and plate Mr & Mrs S RICHARDS(jnr)....silver tea pot Miss LOUISA DRAKE...........fruit dish Mrs MOODY...................set carvers and half dozen dinner knives and forks Mrs DRAKE...................half dinner set Mrs CALDER..................toilet set Mr and Mrs W.RICHARDS.......vases Mr and Mrs E.B.CRAGG........silver butter dish J.MOORE and Co..............ladies' dressing case Mr and Mrs BOWER............silver tea pot Mr RICHARDS (snr)...........breakfast cruet Mrs RICHARDS................set tea cutlery Mr TOM CRAGG................double pickle cruet Mr DAVE RICHARDS............silver dinner spoons Miss MARY RICHARDS..........silver pickle fork and half dozen tea spoons. Miss TURNER.................vases Mr and Mrs IRWIN............majolica tea pot and pickle jar Mr GUY RICHARDS.............large bible Miss ELLEN DRAKE............cut glass water jug Mr and Mrs CLUTICOT.........set custard glasses Miss LAURA DRAKE............preserve dish Mr and Mrs R.RUSSELL........silver coffee pot Miss GERTIE DRAKE...........cut glass cream jug Mrs DRAKE...................salad bowl Miss LILY DRAKE.............butter dish Mr RICHARDS.................piano Mr BUSSY....................carver rest Mr LAVERTY..................sardine salver Miss TURNER.................jam dish |