From: Charlene Alderman Subject: [DRAKE-L] Drake/Crain Cemetery (in Van Buren County, Tenn) Date: Friday, July 03, 1998 2:58 AM This cemetery is just off Hywy 30 about 1 mile, surrounded by a split rail fence, recently repaired. |
large marker: Furm B. Drake, February 1, 1883 - April 22, 1910 small marker, very worn: S.A.D. (Silas Abram Drake, Sr.??????) a newer marker: Silas Abram Drake, Jr., Fanny Sarina Drake August 27, 1890-October 17, 1963 April 6,1828-December 22, 1905 |
LARGE GRANITE COLLUMN: front side reads: S.A. Drake , September 3, 1855- July 16, 1903 other side reads: Nancy, wife of S. Abraham Drake, born 1857 died 1922 |
small stone: Pheba Drake, September 8,1878 -June 7.1902 daughter of Sarah Drake |
faded stone: In memory of Sophia Drake.........(unable to read) |
Infant Son Drake(July 12,1901 -July 18, 1901) son of S.A. & N. A. Drake |
Mona Elisa Hayes January 23, 1935-January 27, 1935 |
George W. Grove, July 1,1838 - April 30, 1930 Prvt., Co. I, 16 Tenn. Inf. Conferate State Army |
Wiley C. Grove ( May 10, 1875 -August 1, 1878) |
Phebe Grove (February 20, 1879 - March 15, 1881) |
Next to two small markers(headstones??) which may be the original is a large granite stone which reads: |
GROVE Tariot Drake George W. April 15, 1842-August 7, 1887 July 1, 1838 -April 30, 1930 "Mother & Father gone to a bright home where grief cannot come" |
A five foot tall granite marker which reads: In memory of Elizabeth Drake, daughter of Uriah & Fannie York, November 1816- September 20, 1890. 78 years, 10 months, 9 days. (other side of same marker:) In memory of Abraham Drake, son of Elijah & Phebe Drake, February 13, 1808 - March 1, 1860. 52 years, 28 days. |
a small, very old stone, barely readable: original??? Phebe Drake 18??- 18?? In memory of Mary E. Drake October 1803-???? |
There is a confusing stone that reads: Dr. Isaac Barnes 1881-1950 Maude Drake 1885-1963 son of Frances ...October 15, 1926 -April 25, 1937 |
Across the road in the middle of a cow pasture is an enclosure with split rails about 8 x 20 feet. There are 5 large stones on one side and 5 small foot stones. Most are unreadable. There is a bronze plaque that reads: |
Rev. John Ray, 1739-1813, his children, Isham, Mary Brazell, Nancy Cooper. France married Uriah York & is buried at Crain Hill |
readable stones: Nancy Ray Cooper 1813 Mary Ray Brazell ???? Rev.???????????????? |
Long Cemetery @ Spencer, Tenn. Hywy 30 big granite stone reads: |
DRAKE William Thorison Iris Grace Hitchcock October 18, 1923 - July 3, 1927 - August 14, 1987 wed June, 1944 children: Morris, Wayne, Peggy, Sherry |
Not connected to me that I can tell but maybe some of you. Hope this helps. I plan to go back in September and finish with the Crain Hill Cemetery if I can complete that I will post. There are a lot of names there and is a wonderful place to see. Happy hunting, Charley. |