CNIDR Isearch-cgi 1.20.06 (File: grenlawn.txt)
Greenlawn Cemetery, Broadway, West Long Branch, (Monmouth County) NJ.
Walked and transcribed in 1998 by June Smith, Ella Smith, and Ruth Ryan.
This listing is almost 100% complete. Some of the stones are buried under a lot of greenery.
Drake, Charles Jan 9, 1888 - May 13, 1892 |
Drake, Emma, 1878 - 1966 |
Drake, Hannah Van Brunt Mar 1, 1842 - Dec 19, 1927 |
Drake, Harry, 1878 - 1954 |
Drake, Harry, Jr., 1902 - 1963 |
Drake, Hattie, 1864 - 1956 |
Drake, Henry Apr 7, 1842 - Mar 27, 1906 |
Drake, George Apr 30, 1855 - Jun 30, 1883 |
Drake, Jeremiah Feb 25, 1830 - Jan 6, 1889 |
Drake, Lewis May 18, 1865 - Dec 2 1895 |
Drake, Mary E. Dennis, (wife of Jeremiah) Jan 26, 1835 - Dec 15, 1898 |
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Archives by: Ruth Ryan