The Holland Purchase of Western New York - Deed
The Holland Purchase of Western New York - Deed
Submitted by Judy Crain 
The first list reflects the majority of the land purchases sold by the
Holland Company to various individuals in New York. Please note that some
of the parcels were resold in subsequent years, or the original purchase
was 1807 or later. A separate list is provided for the years 1807 through
1823. The second list embraces the names, generally of the first six (or
more) of the persons who took contracts in townships upon the Holland
Purchase, in which no contracts were taken previous to January 1, 1807. 
The Township and range references should be cross-indexed with the table
following the lists. This will provide the location for each land parcel as
of 1850, the publication date of the book. This book contains much more
than the following lists! There is information of genealogical value about
some of the family names mentioned in the lists, as well as information
about the Holland Company, and historical notes for the years the book
NAME                    PLACE OF PURCHASE
Francis B. Drake        Township 12, Range 4 Genesee, T. 12, R. 4, Pembroke
William Drake           Township 8, Range 7  Erie W. tier lots,...T. 8, R. 7, Eden
The following list embraces the names, generally of the first six,
(sometimes more and sometimes less,) of the persons who took contracts, and
in most instances, became pioneer settlers, in all the townships upon the
Holland Purchase, in which no contracts were taken previous to Jan. 1st,
1807. The year indicates the period when first contract was taken in the       
Township. List exceptions include lands that were donated by the Holland 
Company to the Canal fund, and such townships were sold at wholesale.
T. 15, R. 1, 1808
    John Barrett
    Ellitt Barrett
    Isaac Bennet
    Samuel Crippen
    Henry Drake   Orleans S. pt........T. 15, R. 1, Barre
    Moses Bacon
    Clarkson F. Brooks
    John Proctor                      
T. 7, R. 2, 1808
    John J. Drake  Wyoming  T. 7, R. 2, Eagle
    Silas Hodges
    Sylvanus Eldridge
    Alpheus Bascom
    William Adams
    James Waldron
    Dan Beach
T. 7, R. 7, 1809
    John Stewart
    Amasa Ashman
    Solomon Field
    Thomas M'Gee
    Lyman Drake  Erie E. pt......T. 7, R. 7, Concord
    Smith Russell