Genealogy Dept. Jan 26, 1970. [The ownership of the land on which downtown New York has been built is disputed, the estate of Anneke Jans having been the cause of considerable contention. We Quote from the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, 1925 v. 56, pp 204-5.-kmb] "By the death of her first husband, Roelof Jansen, Anneke Jans became possessed in her own right and in that of her children by Roelof Jansen, of the 62 acres of land granted to Roelof Jansen in 1633-4/ This land lay north of the W. I. Company's bouwerie (or farm) and roughly extended from Broadway (of today) to the Hudson river and north to about Christopher Street, and on the north is said to have abutted upon a grant of land which had been ade to Dominie Bogardus, her second husband. after the death of Roelof Jansen, these two joint parcels of land came to be known as the Domimi's Bouwerie. The title of this land was confirmed to Anneke Jans by Director General Peter Styvessant in 1654, and was agin confirmed to her heirs in March, 1667, by the then English Governor Richard Nicolle, March 9 1670-1, the heirs of her estate conveyed this land 'for a valuable considertion' to Governor Francis Lovelace, the successor of Governor Nicolls. The deed of Conveyance to Governor Lovelace, was signed by all the heirs of Anneke Jans with the exception of one, her son Cornelis Bogardus, who had died in 1666 subsequent to his mother's death in 1663 and prior to the date of Conveyance. Neither Cornelis Bogardus nor his widow, Helena (Teller)_ Bogardus, nor his son Cornelis Bogardus (both of whom were living on the date of Conveyance) joined in making the deed. This land, the Domini's Bouwerie, after its conveyance to Governor Lovelace was joined to the Company's bouwerie (then in the possession of the english) and the whole combined area became known successively as the Duke's (Duke of York) Farm, the King's Farm, and the Queen's Farm. Finally, Nov 23, 1705, a patent for this tract was granted to what is now known as the Trinity Church Corporation of New York." "such in general terms is the history of the tract of land about which in subsequent generations, from time to time, the descendants of Anneke Jans have entered suit against the Trinity Church Corporation to recover their claimed interest which they maintained was alienated without due respect to the law thereunto applying. All of these attempts to recover have uniformly failed." |