Letter written by Adeline Foster ( nee Drake )
to her son, James C Foster

Addressed May 6 to Mr James C Foster Boston Mass with speed
Lagrange Feb. the 9 18*7

My Dear son i write to day to informe that we are tolerable smart my
health is not verry good. your Father i think is not quite so sick as
was last winter. Adeline and Amanda have both had the fever. Amanda
came home four weeks ago she is now considerable smart and is going back
when she gets able to work. Adaline was sick first and Amanda took care
of her and then was taken sick herself and when she got able to ride she
came home since you left last s(p)ring you and Amanda OrraAnn and Phebe
have all had the fever together with your Fathers sickness and many sick
turns the boys have had all together with every thing else has had a
verry sensible effect on my health. We received your letter and was
glad to hear that you were well and felt sorry that you had hurt your
hand. James i want you to write as soon as you get this and let me know
when you intend to come home. I want to see you o how much I cannot
express. Should anny misfortune befall you or ill fate attend you how
unhappy it would render me. i wish you success in all your undertakings
in this life and beyond the grave a Glorious state of life and
immortality i want to see you again in this world but if we never see
each other again in time my prayer is that we may meet beyond these
fluctuating scenes where not a crygh to heave the swelling bosom to this
end let us try to live a life of prayer and secret devotion to God who
is our bountiful benefactor and preserver
your Father wants to see you very much likewise all the family and wants
you to be verry particular when you will return home.
this from your Mother Adeline Foster
[The letter is very fragile, a couple of holes in the paper, the date's
3rd number is missing.April 3, 1855 is what I have recently found as her
death date. That would make the letter date 1847, which is close to what
I had as James C. Foster's arrival in Boston. ]

Judy Aversa - judyanna.montrose@verizon.net