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Pat Fallon
Posted on Friday, April 07, 2006 - 7:54 pm:   

As a follow-up to my previous appeal of December 2005 I have now received details of the marriage registers for Buckland Monochorum and Mary Tavy for William Spry and Gertrude Drake.The banns were called in Buckland Monochorum Parish Church on 23rd and 30th January 1763 and 6th February 1763. The marriage took place in Mary Tavy on 13th February 1763. William was shown as William Spry the younger of Buckland Monochorum and Gertrude was a sojourner of Mary Tavy. Witnesses were John Reed and Jonathan Blanchard.So who was Gertrude? She doesn't seem to exist apart from this marriage entry.Was she a widowed Drake remarrying? I am desperate to trace who she was as William and Gertrude may be the parents of my gt.gt.gt.grandmother Gertrude Drake Spry. Any information would be most gratefully received! Thank you. Pat Fallon
Katherine Southall
Posted on Friday, February 02, 2007 - 6:21 am:   

I have found a reference to a Gertrude Drake, born 18 October 18 1716 in Buckland Monocharum, Devon. This Gertrude would have been 47 in 1763, so I don't know if she is the right one for you or not.
She was the daughter of Francis Drake (b. 24 April 1675 in Buckland Monocharum, Devon.) He married Sarah Young of Woodbury on 21 October 1714 in Woodbury. Francis Drake was Buried September 1725, Buckland Monocharum, Devon.
This Francis Drake was the son of a Joseph Drake. He was the son of another Francis Drake who was the son of Thomas Drake. Thomas Drake was the brother of Sir Francis Drake, who fought against the Spanish Armada.
Thomas and Sir Francis were the sons of Edmund Drake.
Pat Fallon
Posted on Monday, February 05, 2007 - 9:30 pm:   

Many thanks for the information. I had already come across that particular Gertrude, in fact she seems to be the only one around! Her age poses a problem. It is feasible that she was still of child bearing age I suppose but it is pushing it a little. I'm getting so desperate that I will soon be welcoming her into the family soon whether she belongs or not!!
Posted on Thursday, January 24, 2013 - 10:35 pm:   

If I could only choose one breed of chiekcn to keep for eggs, it would be the Ameraucana (Easter Egger). They have been our most personable chiekcns, aren't noisy, they are good food hustlers (saw my favorite chase down a huge cricket this morning), they lay more of the year than many we have, and (of course!) lay beautiful eggs. I'm interested in crossing them with a Marans or Welsummer and see if I can get olive green eggs too.Congrats!

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