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Joy Robbins
| Posted on Sunday, January 16, 2005 - 1:21 pm: | |
From: "JOY ROBBINS" Date: Sunday, 19 December 2004 4:47 AM I have been passed on to you as an authority on the Drake's. My ancestor, Captain Thomas Wiggin (1592-1666) made application through John Drake in 1627 (Barnstaple) for a 'letter of marque against the French'. John Drake wrote a letter to London on his behalf (I don't have copy of this..only the reference to it) seeking this letter of marque. I don't know if he was ever awarded the letter or not, excepting there is some indication he may have taken a prize ship into the Isle of Man sometime thereafter. Do you think that John Drake was connected with The Admiralty? Or, do you have any idea why he would have written this letter in Capt. Wiggin's behalf? Captain Thomas Wiggin's life prior to 1630 is shrouded in mystery. We do not know who this man was and I believe the clues are to be found in his maritime life (c.1600-1630). Thank you for you help. Joy Wiggin-Robbins
Roy Andrews
| Posted on Sunday, January 16, 2005 - 1:23 pm: | |
Subject: Re: Drake Letter's of Marque Date: Wednesday, 22 December 2004 8:18 PM Very fascinating history - never heard of the "Letter of Marque" until you emailed me. When I get back from holidays in mid Jan I will see if I can help you out |
Joy Robbins
| Posted on Sunday, January 16, 2005 - 1:24 pm: | |
Date: Thursday, 23 December 2004 1:48 AM Letter of Marque against the French 1627: Sir John Drake wrote from Barnstaple, England, 6 Jan 1627; "Captain Thomas Wigan desires a letter of marque against the French". It was addressed to the Secretary of State, and is noted in Index to Par. Docs. Dom. Ser. Charles I, Vol XLVH, 7 I have no idea why this letter was written. Was Sir John connected with the Admiralty? Or, was he just a friend trying to help a friend? I have no idea if Captain Thomas Wiggin ever got a letter of marque against the French or anyone else for that matter. It does not seem to me that this letter alone would constitute an application for a letter of marque as everything I read says he would have had to reveal a lot of informtion about his ship and crew and put up surety. That is why I think this letter was a suppliment to something else...perhaps the original appliction form? That letter of marque application may well reveal who Captain Thomas Wiggin was. As a note of interest: I have been corresponding with Pat Denney, Merchant Venturers of Bristol, and he has not found any reference to the CAptain in the Merchant Venturer's School records for 1600-1630. I thought he may have attended that school since he was documented with an affiliation in 1630 when he shows up in Colonial New Hampshire. I will await your efforts in January...and have a great holiday season.
Roy Andrews
| Posted on Sunday, January 16, 2005 - 1:33 pm: | |
Date: Sunday, 16 January 2005 1:31 PM Hi there Joyce, well another year is upon us, they go too fast!!! There is plenty of info on the WWW re "Letters of Marque" and just one on your Drake/Wiggin. This may be of help to you, Roy Thankyou >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Page 232 thru 236 WIGGIN, WIGAN, WIGGINS, WIGON: Captain, Thomas, gent. whose birth-place has eluded search, may be the person of whom Sir John Drake wrote from Barnstaple, England, Jan. 6, 1627; "Captain Thomas Wigan desires a letter of marque against the French"; this was addressed to the secretary of state, and is noted in Index to Parl. docs. Dom. ser. Charles I, vol. XLVII, 7. But the Piscataqua man stands clearly before us as one of the witnesses to the possession of land under patent to Oldham and Vines, in Maine, 25 June, 1630. Another proof of his presence here at that time comes in the letter of John Humphrey, Esquire, one of the Massachusetts Bay company, to his brother in law, Isaac Johnson, Esquire, from London, Dec. 9, 1630; "For Mr. Wiggin & your thoughts concerning him & those who set him on worke, I think you will hear little more. Yet your letter shall be delivered,...I purpose this morning to goe to Mr. Downing to advise about it." [Winthrop Letters, Mass. Hist. Coll. XXXVI, 3.] The historian Hubbard says that "Bristol and Shrewsbury men" planted a colony on the upper part of the Piscataqua in 1631, "under Captain Wiggans." The Captain again witnessed the giving of possession of a patent, this time to Lewis and Bonython, in Maine, Jan. 28, 1631-32. "Captain Wiggans went back for England the next year." Hubbard continues, "and soon after returned with more ample power and means to promote what was in hand. The Bristol men had in the mean time sold their interest (which was two thirds) in the said plantation to the Lord Say and the Lord Brook, one to Mr. Willis, and Mr. Whiting, who likewise employed Captain Wiggans to act in their behalf for the space of seven years next following; the Shrewsbury men still retaining their own share. After the time was expired, the advance not being much, the whole was prised but at 600 li. and sold to Captain Wiggans; which he paid at a very easy rate, as some of his neighbors have used to say." Captain Wiggin remained in charge of the "Dover and Squamscot" patent, including Dover, Exeter and outlying lands, till about 1639, when Rev. George Burdett, (successor of Rev. William Leverich, the first minister of the colony) worked himself into the favor of the people, and assumed control, through with no legal authority. The coming of Rev. John Wheelwright and his associates to settle Exeter, together with the agitation by Mass. Bay people of the question whether that town was not within their jurisdiction, all operated to incline the Captain toward acknowledgment of their claims; and he became the most important factor in the extension of the Mass. government over both New Hampshire and Maine. But this was no sudden freak. As far back as the year 1632 when in England on business connected with his own colony, Captain Wiggin had written two memorable letters, one to Mr. Downing, touching Sir Christopher Gardiner's fiasco and another matter of some importance to New England; the other to Sir John Cooke, principal secretary, testifying to the great value of New England as a profitable place for plantation, and especially showing the high character of Gov. John Winthrop and the people of "the Mattachussetts." [Mass. Hist. Coll. 3d S., VIII] This testimony was given at a critical moment in the affairs of the Bay colony. Gov. Winthrop, in his History, thus describes it: "Feb. 22, 1632-33,...We had intelligence from our friends in England that Sir Ferdinando Gorges and Captain Mason (upon the instigation of Sir Christopher Gardiner, Morton and Ratcliffe,) had preferred a petition to the lords of the privy council against us, charging us with many false accusations; but through the Lord's good providence and the care of our friends in England, (especially Mr. Emanuel Downing who had married the governor's sister) and the good testimony given on our behalf by one Capt. Wiggin, who dwelt of Pascataquack and had been divers times among us, their malicious practice took not effect." The friendly service thus voluntarily rendered by Capt. Wiggin was never forgotten. And when Massachusetts needed a man to superintend the pacification of the colonists about the Piscataqua and along the coast of Maine, they naturally turned to him. He was commissioned first as an assistant, then as a presiding judge, then as commissioner for adjustment of all manner of problems arising in the assumption of authority in new plantations. It is fair to say that he was the most important man in the whole business of uniting the colonies of upper New England. He was also a deputy to the Gen. court at Boston, and in his magisterial capacity performed the marriage ceremony, attested documents, etc. in Massachusetts as well as in New Hampshire and Maine. He had grants of land from the Gen.. Court in addition to what he had recd. from the Patentees and ha purchased. He carried on milling and farming operations. 23 May 1656, "Captain Wiggan, having been imployed by the Gen'l Court with other gent., to bring in the easterne plantations, as a gratuitie in respect of his service, hath the grant of two hundred acors of land uppon the river that leads up to Cochechawicke," etc. The committee appointed to lay out his tract reported A pril 28, 1659, that they had laid it out "near the head of the littell river caled the back river." He and his son Thomas sold land April 25, 1662; he made a power of attorney to Thomas March 21, 1662-3. With wife Katharine he gave a marriage portion to son Andrew 4 June, 1663. The 30th of that month he attended court for the last time; a year later he was unable even to reach the "ordinary" without help, as a neighbor testified who had failed to reach his place in the grand jury that day by reason of assisting "his worp." i.e. "his worship," the tide of the magistrate. He kept his lands apart from any town association many years, holding aloof from participation in town meetings or in the support of the ministry or other public affairs; probably deeming his state duties and charges heavy enough, and owing a tract large enough to constitute a "plantation" of itself. But at length public opinion prevailed against him, and he became a tax-payer in Exeter. He married Katharine __, who may have been a sister of Mr. William Whiting of Hartford, one of the proprietors of the Squamscot patent. At all events, Mr. Whiting made a bequest "to my sister Wiggen 5 li. and unto her children 3 li. apiece," in his will dated March 20, 1643. Children, Thomas, Andrew, Mary, all bapt. at Hampton Sept. 20, 1641. The latter married George Vesey. He made will 16 June 1664, which was probated in Hampton court in "1666". He bequeathed to his wife Katherine certain articles and whatever debts were due him and all goods not heretofore or herein given; certain bequests to sons Andrew and Thomas who have already had their portions, and to daughter Mary, for whom 150 pounds had been previously set apart in the deed to Andrew.
| Posted on Sunday, January 16, 2005 - 3:47 pm: | |
Date: Sunday, 16 January 2005 2:04 PM Oh've disappointed me. This quotation is so well known. I don't need his life after 1630: it's the years before that we find nothing regarding Captain Wiggin. I had so hoped you'd know something regarding this letter John Drake wrote. Captain Wiggin was about 40 when he came to the New England Colonies. Where was he for the first 40 years of his life!!! When they told me you were an authority on "everything Drakie" I got my hopes up. That letter of marque request through John Drake could hold a key regarding his involvement with the Drakes and the Admiralty. That's what I'm after. I've been working on this for ten years or more and am co-authoring a book on Capt. Wiggin with a cousin. I will be going to England soon to do some hands -on research to that end. We are also writing the chapter regarding Capt. Wiggin for the new Stratham, NH history book coming out in a couple of years. So, I have my work cut out for me to find his roots. regards Joy |
Philip Wiggin
| Posted on Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 4:58 am: | |
I believe that it you go to a University library and look up the proceedings of the king's Privy Council that you'll find where the request for Thomas Wiggin's letter of Marque was considered. |
| Posted on Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 8:51 am: | |
Thanks Philip; however I don't think the Universities in the US will hold that information. I am a great distance from one so it's not a case of popping over to see! |
David Wiggin
| Posted on Friday, October 05, 2007 - 12:20 am: | |
Regarding Thomas Wiggin pre-1630: The connection to Shrewsbury may yield results. My family line has lived in the Newport, Shropshire area for at least 350 years. Samantha Wiggin [] has traced the family line to 1663. Newport is a short distance east of Shrewsbury. Given the relative lack of mobility over the years, a connection to the line of Thomas may be quite possible. |
chris sherrow
| Posted on Saturday, February 23, 2008 - 6:50 am: | |
I am looking 4 information on the dicus family tree any info is very helpful thanx |