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Bill Hysom
| Posted on Tuesday, March 04, 2003 - 6:20 am: | |
Roy: I do not think my work is ready for publishing as there are too many questions still to answer. Your comments about Samuel Drake not being born in Fairfield in 1624 sound right though several older publications so note. Likewise, I am in a debate with Mike at bluesriff7, see the attachments. I really want to tie down Samuel's parentage (ancestry), place of birth, and a little about his life. I have his will and some bits about his activities for a start but really want to document his parentage. I already have asked for an interlibrary loan of a book "Westchester Patriarchs, a Genealogical Dictionary of Westchester County Prior to 1755." Hopefully this will add meaningfully to my data. Do you have anything that would add to what you see I already have? If so, please share. Looking forward to further exchanges. Bill Hysom Aurora, Colorado |
Roy Andrews
| Posted on Tuesday, March 04, 2003 - 6:28 am: | |
Hi there Bill, I can't add much but the fact that Samuel wouldn't been born in Fairfield as I believe this date would have been to early in time. Shame about early records not being kept or being lost. Check this article out on a John Drake; I have also setup a "Samuel Drake" area on my discussion board at; under Drake/ English Drakes The other thing to do is join Barb Marshalls great Drake List. Instructions are at; This is a discussion area for anyone who has an interest in the surname DRAKE and it's many spelling variations. If you are interested in exchanging information on your DRAKE ancestors or ask questions about them - this is the place for you. regards, Roy Andrews |
Roy Andrews
| Posted on Tuesday, March 04, 2003 - 6:18 am: | |
Hi there Bill and my apology for not replying earlier. Back to work from holidays and busy. With the Samuel Drake on your lineage (b. 1624, Fairfield Conn., d. May 10, 1686) he wouldn't been born in Fairfield as there would not have been any colonisation of America by then????. I guess he was the son of John Drake and Elzabeth Rogers and born in Devon, UK as per the IGI. Birth states about 1627. Do you want your lineage published as you may receive some bites from that as well. Let me know what you think re Samuel, Regards, Roy |
Bill Hysom
| Posted on Tuesday, March 04, 2003 - 6:16 am: | |
Calvin/Roy: I too have been researching the Drake family lines and have a fair confidence that what I have shown is valid. What I am looking for is a complete document trail to prove it. Further, I am seeking the solid link of Samuel Drake (b. 1624) to the Drakes of Devonshire. I have seen it several times but have no document link proving it. Can you help me here. I am willing to share all the data I have and all sources. Looking forward to your responses. Bill Hysom |