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Adrian King
Posted on Wednesday, May 08, 2002 - 9:09 pm:   

Dear Roy,

I have a question regarding the coat of arms of Sir Francis Drake. These
arms (sable a fess wavy between two pole stars argent) were, as I understand
it, granted to Sir Francis personally at the behest of Queen Elizabeth I
partly to counter the accusation that Sir Francis had been using the arms of
another branch of the Drake family (a wyvern) quite without right, and also
as an augmentation of honour.

As Sir Francis died without issue how is it that his arms continue to appear
to be used by other, later, branches of the family? Was there 'a name and
arms clause' in his will or something similar?

I would love to know,


Adrian King
Roy Andrews (Admin)
Posted on Wednesday, May 08, 2002 - 9:24 pm:   

Hi there Adrian and thanks for your message re Sir Francis Drakes coat of arms.
There is a fair bit about his arms on the Drake website - check it out on the main search engine -
I have added your quiry to the Drake /sir francis section of my Genealogy Discussion Forum at;
and hopefully you may get a response from somebody.
There is a section on the Drake site at;
Roy Andrews
Melody Clark
Posted on Saturday, January 25, 2003 - 12:00 pm:   

Hi, I might be able to help you out some. I know that when Sir Francis Drake died he left everything to his youngest brother and that is probably how you are still seeing it.
jared hooker
Posted on Friday, December 15, 2006 - 7:09 pm:   

can someone direct me to a site that shows the coat of arms and describes what each symbol means? i am a proud descendant of Drake and I would love to know more about the COA. thanks!
Roy Andrews
Posted on Saturday, December 16, 2006 - 8:51 am:   

Try these 2 links
Posted on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 3:40 am:   

I was raised being told I was a decendant of Sir Francis Drake. The story goes that he spent the night with a Florida woman and got her pregnant. he also left a vest at her home that was passed down in my fathers side of the family. I know my grandfathers last name was Price but before that each man in the family had Drake in their name but not as a surname, respectively. My grandfathers name was Ally Price of Jacksonville, Florida. Can anyone help me find info on this? Im planning on getting a tattoo of Sir Francis Drakes royal coat of arms and I rally want to make sure Im a bastard family member...Thanks!
Posted on Friday, October 10, 2008 - 9:52 am:   

Hi there Robyn,
the Admiral was married twice but had no know children. His brother Thomas had descendents but not Sir Francis. There were a lot of Francis Drakes in the USA as well.


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