Job Sutton 1871-1928

Job was the 15th child of James and Jane Sutton and was brought up and lived all his life on his parents property ‘Snerdleton’ at Glennies Creek.The property was left to him after the passing of his parents and he mainly followed dairying pursuits. He was known throughout the district as a breeder of fine dairy cattle who were outstanding in milk production. The udders on the cows being so large with milk,it was necessary to use a dish for milking as the normal two gallon bucket would not fit under the cow. He married Louisa Boston and had a family of six children,3 boys and 3 girls. At the age of 57 years he was thrown from his horse whilst returning to his home on the night of 19 May 1928. He received injuries to his head and suffered concussion.He was still in hospital on the 5th June 1928 and his condition was said to be improving. He passed away on the 12th October 1928,no doubt the fall from his horse and the injuries received attributing to his early death at the age of 57 years.