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Abraham Andrews's Will
This is the last willl and testament of ABRAHAM ANDREWS of Falbrook in the colony of New South Wales. I hereby nominate and appoint Mr William Walker, warehouseman, of Singleton and Mr Robert Clark, innkeeper of Singleton, both of the colony of New South Wales, executors of my last will. I will and direct that all my just debts, funeral expenses and testamentary expense be paid by my executors as soon as commonly may be after my decease. I devise and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah Gibbs Andrews all my furniture and other household effects for absolute disposal. I also devise and bequeath to my three sons, Abraham John Andrews, Peter Andrews and Edward Andrews, the whole of the land I possess to be divided equally between them. Also I bequeath to my son Abraham John, one horse and to my son Edward one horse and to my son Peter ....cows and it is my wish and desire that all the increase of cattle should be sold every year, leaving always 40 head (40) to be depastured on the land and that the monies which they produce should be given to my wife Sarah Gibbs Andrews. I desire that a simple memorial stone be erected over my grave to be surrounded by a plain railing. It is my earnest wish and desire that my property be left entrusted in my wifeís hands, Sarah Gibbs Andrews until her death and then everything I possess remains hers and that nothing be divided or this will acted on until her death. WITNESSED by hand this first day of March one thousand eight hundred and eighty two. Abraham Andrews his X mark subscribed and dictated and declared by the said Abraham Andrews as his last will and testament in the presence of us (both being present at the time) who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have here unto subscribed our names as witnesses. Robert Hynds, Thomas Kermode, John Edward Noble ....................................... I hereby certify that I have read the contents of this document to Abraham Andrews who understands the same and has signed and by making his mark and sealed it in his last will and testament in the presence of the above witnesses, namely Robert Hynds, Thomas Kermode, and John Edward Noble this first day of March one thousand eight hundred and eighty two. George Lethbridge J.P. ......................... 28th July 1818. This day by act of the Court Probate of the said will of Abraham Andrews, late ofFalbrook, Bridgman, Freeholder deceased, was granted to Willliam Walker and Robert Clark, the Executors. Testator died 22nd May 1882. Estate sworn under six hundred and fifty pounds